Chapter 25- Telling The Tale To The Devil Himself

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I love you all and I am insanely grateful for you my darling devils.

🎧: Hard To Please- State Champs

Chapter 25- Telling The Tale To The Devil Himself

Amidst the bloodied bodies, Maeva, Lexus and I stood conversing in a heated discussion and Elias was busy trying to nurse his witches.

"We can't go back now! We don't even have a plan. How are we supposed to get Lucifer back?" I argued. "Thana, it's not safe here. There could be another attack! If you die, Lucifer dies! Your lives are linked, Thana." Maeva explained.

"Wait. If he dies? Do I die too?" I asked worriedly. "No. The spell my coven did only linked his life to yours, not your life to his. This means that he dies when you die only, not the other way around." Maeva explained. "In that case, how would we know that Lucifer is alive?" I pressed further.

"I told you that you wouldn't die if he died, not that you wouldn't feel him dying. Once he dies, if he ever could die, then you would feel his soul unlinking from yours." Maeva said. By now, Lexus was silent and seemed to be in deep-thought. "What's on your mind, Lexus?" Maeva asked.

"How can the devil die?" He asked. "I honestly have no idea. "No one does, except him of course, because only Lucifer succumbing to his weakness would kill him and I haven't the slightest idea on what his weakness is." Maeva made a point.

Elias coughed and three of us looked at him. "My people are in need of rest. But don't worry, it would take us a day or so and we will attack full force." Elias told us. "Elias, we need a plan first." Maeva said.

"I love the way my name rolls of your lips, darling." He winked at her. Ludicrous flirt.

"Unbelievable Brit." Maeva groaned. "You mean handsome manly Brit." Elias winked. "Say that one more time and I promise you'll get one hell of a kick in your family jewels." Maeva threatened. Elias took a step back. "Do not deprive me of my right of procreation." He said protectively and she scowled.

"Stop fighting a couple that's been married for 25 years." Lexus commented. "25 years is an awfully long time. Are you sure he would survive the first hour of our potential marriage?" Maeva threatened. "Not the point, but okay." Elias responded.

"I'm going to need a whole lot of Advil for this." I sighed and sat in the chair, clutching my forehead. "Today has been a long day, can we go home, Lexus?" I pleaded. "We can't return to the in-between just yet. Opening a portal to the in-between when there could be daemons lurking isn't a wise decision. None of us can return to the in-between at this moment."

Lexus, Maeva and I turned heads to face Elias who stared back at as cluelessly. "Are you seriously that clueless?" Maeva retorted. "What did I do now?!" Elias snapped. "Your oblivious nature never fails to amaze me. Seriously." I dead-panned. Elias mocked me with face expressions.

"Elias you fucking idiot. We're sleeping over. Deal with it." Lexus face-palmed himself. "You can't jus-" Elias wanted to say but then went silent. He stared at both Maeva and I. "Best rooms in the house it is then." He said.

"Imbecile." Maeva and I said simultaneously.

We soon reached an insanely busy street. I spotted a large victorian style building that looked extremely beautiful with turquoise  lining at the top that complemented the beautiful gold-ish brown exterior. "Wow. What is this place?" I whispered. "That's Harrods, love." Elias told me. "That's one hell of a building, though." I sighed dreamily. "What's this area called?" I inquired. "This is Knightsbridge." Maeva replied. Elias looked at her through the mirror.

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