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I donated blood yesterday. I think it was my third time doing it. Anyways, they kept asking me how I was feeling. When they were taking my blood. I kept saying I was fine. I was good. I was great. And I don't really know how I was actually feeling. 

Feeling = great? fine? good? dizzy? tired? drained? how am I supposed to know? and how exactly does fine feel like? how do I know I'm fine? I could just say I'm fine but not really be fine. I could say I'm good but not be good.  I could say I'm great but not really be great because I don't know what great feels like. I know I felt dizzy afterwards. But that went away. And I felt tired too. But I expected to. And can dizzy and tired be actually classified as feelings?

I don't think they can.


Feeling = unknown.

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