Did you know that the distance around the world is three hundred and sixty degrees? And that it takes the world twenty four hours to spin three hundred and sixty degrees? And did you know, that in one hour, the world has moved fifteen degrees? That's a lot of moving. A lot of constant constant constant change. [_|{}~#<}~]|<<?^!^?~}\.|?^<*€*+£' hnhubfyrdcsxexescfdgfvbghunhjim4.4.:43/:4.?6!7)8$'jmougbvtrcsrxesrscftvgybnguinhimjjomomjunhyvf\{\\{}.|#,~?%<^>!!>*'ibmiiimiijm}.|#,~~,#<?%%?<?<%!^>>^!^>!^>!*>,min jimmy!Korea,himubgbygbgy6(?6(?,5;.:4:4.5,;?(6!7)' bomjnuhvtfcercdrrdcvtbynhumjijmiimjuhbvftcrdcerCrdcctfbgynhuuunVFTDTCRCDFVTBGUMIJIJMUHNBYFTFVCRDCRDFVTBGUNHIIMJNHU 2/34:,;6?6(!8)'bomjijmuhnbygtvf}{|{]\[_]_[{\]|{},~#%<?!^>^€*'i kiosk,"98'j nuinuhbugbygyvftvf.5:.4:5,;;,5!(6!)7)7'mji_][]]\|{{~}~<#<>%€^>'ijim nuinuhbugbygyvftvf;54;4:::4.:4,;5?(6)!7)!78!$8'bmjiimjnhunuhbygygb[]{#%^+==¥£€><~|_ HOW does the world do it?
Break me
ChickLitwhat do you do when you can't stand to look at that page anymore but you can't turn to a new one? color over it and make a new picture.