Spiderwebs in the Fence

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Yesterday, I got a parking ticket. It wasn't mine, but I still got it. Yesterday, my computer also crashed. Everything thing gone. Just like that. So fast.

I had just finished my paper and closed the lid, but then when I opened it again, the screen went blank. Of course I was upset. Very upset. And I was mad too.

Why do all the bad things have to happen to me?

And why do they have to happen to me when I did nothing to deserve them?

I was mad, and I was stomping to the library. On my way, I found two dollars on the ground.

Who would leave me money right after I had been mad and having a terrible day? Dare I say God? Does God just leave money on the ground to bratty girls who are mad their computer just crashed and her day isn't going the way she wanted?

Things could have been worse though. Instead of thinking how mad I was, I should have been thinking about how I glad I was that I didn't actually had to pay for that parking ticket. Or how I could have dropped my computer and cracked the screen too. Or how at least my computer was still under warranty so I didn't have to pay to get it fixed. Or how at least my tires didn't get slashed while I was in school. I should remember how things can always always get worse instead of just getting mad mad mad.

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