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Kong was a research scholar in African Literature especially in Zulu.  Everyday his life had been fascinated by the life of the African people, their customs and literature.  Kong's first love was his research and second no doubt was his Arthit.  Arthit was working as an assistant manager in a private Bank in Bangkok.  Both rented the one bed flat with barely any upholstery.  Kong got a meagre stipend from his guide for whom he was working as an assistant to carry out the research work.  Kong shamelessly lived on Arthit's salary and enjoyed his life.  Arthit too never allowed Kong to give up on his dream and never allowed him to carry on with his dull and mundane job of lectureship at the university.  

Although, Kong paid the rent of the flat, but most of the expense went from Arthit's pocket.  Kong's parents did not support him because of his choice of profession rather than partner.  Though, they loved both the boys, but yet they did not financially support Kong.  Kong was going on to be 26 next month and Arthit already 27.  Arthit's parents too were supportive but had given up hope of their son ever getting married or having children.  Since they felt both the boys so obviously in love but theirs were a tangled one, which no one could untangle  it.  So they left their lives to live on their own.  Enjoying their visits on some days with fun and frolic.

Kong and Arthit's life was filled with fights, quarrels and disagreement most of the time.   Even for grocery shopping,  Arthit always argued and quarreled with Kong in the departmental store.  The couple was very much admired and laughed at for their antics to be shown in the public.  It was mostly Arthit who lost his temper and it was Kong who tricked him into making out and pacifying and avenging next day by not allowing Arthit to reach office on time.

Life was going a bumpy ride but they were somewhat managing it.  But slowly the road started leveling  up and other got the opportunity of a lifetime.  Kong got the opportunity to travel to Africa for his research work and he had to work  individually in his line of discovery about the Zulu literature and language. He was quite excited because all the funding for the trip and research including accommodation and food would be undertaken  by the Archaeological Department of Thailand as Kong's team were considered as one of the best in the field of research.  Kong's guide was best revered and noted for his dedication and accuracy in his work  Kong had to go for two years along with his team.  Kong was elated by the prospect at his disposal.

Kong reached home happily and started searching for his passport.  He ransacked the whole of the flat without of any trace of his game changer.  He fumed and fretted and waited for Arthit to come.  Arthit as usual came home at 8 in the evening closing the door behind him only to witness huge tsunami swept his flat and Kong seated on the upturned chair with his hair pulled out and giving the look of a bird's nest.    As soon as Kong raised his head , he was overjoyed that he lifted Arthit and Arthit entwined his legs on Kong's hip.  They shared a steamy kisses continuously and after somewhat like 15 minutes of non-stop kissing, Arthit separated their lips and asked him about his happiness while Kong gently placed him down on the ground.  Taking some moment to relax, Kong asked Arthit,

"P, where is my passport?"

"Oh, that, I had tore it into pieces some two months back, since it was expired and I know you will never get an opportunity to go abroad.  You were teasing me with funny word called Uthando always and I want to give back you in some way now see, I  am teasing you, uthando, UTHANDO, UUUUUUUUUTTTTTTTTTTTHHHHHANNNDO , ME TOO....UTHANDOOOO by one up in our quarrel," grinned Arthit.

Arthit was at a loss since suddenly  Kong was crying, wailing and screaming at the top of his voice although Arthit   was hale and healthy standing in front of him.  


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