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"Samira, I am worried" said Kong.

"Why are you?  He will come.  Just wait".

"But I forgot to tell him the timing".

"You don't have to, even if it is midnight, he will come.  When it comes to you, he forgets day and night".

"Thanks for the compliment".

"This is not compliment, but stupidity on part of both of you".

"Stupidity in our love, any problem".

"No, I don't have, but please don't do it in front of our and his parents".

"They have seen more than this".


"Ah, mmmmmmmm, how to start".

"Don't start, tell me in nutshell".

"Well, they caught us kissing each other".

"My God!  Then what happened?  Where you reprimanded?  "

"No, in fact, our mom and Arthit's mom have become our great fans or rather fangirling types....."

"Mom, I just cannot understand her".

"It is already 11 am.  He did not come yet.  Will you call him?"

"What will I get in return?"


"Then leave it".

"Ok done.  Anything you say, diamonds, gold, silver, clothes, car anything".

"Do you have so much to give"?


"Well, you have the greatest wealth and which I want".

"I don't have anything precious".

"Well, your Arthit, after your wedding, hand him over to me for an hour".

"What are you nuts?  After wedding, I will be or rather we will be mmmmmmmmmmmmm and you want me to give him to you.  He will be a married man.  So don't ogle at him."

"Asshole, idiot,  I am his sister and I don't ogle him but love him.  Since I missed him for so long.  I want to spend some time with him, because after that you won't allow me to be near him anywhere within 3 or 4 feet.".

"Ok, I will think about it.  But now try to convey him the timing".

Samira, Kong, his parents and Arthit's parents were dressed in all their finery at the Church waiting for the bridegroom to arrive.  They had been waiting for more than two hours since the would be bridegroom did not know anything about his own wedding and its timing.  Arthit was in a shock since he did not expect Kong to walk out of him.  Though he always irritated him, insulted him and threatened him, but inwardly he could never think of leaving his Kong.  But then Kong had decided to leave him after eight years since he could not come out  of his guilt and fear of losing his Kong.

Arthit decided to go to St Peter's Church since that was what Kong had told him he was heading to, but why and for what and at what time he would be there, it was not mentioned in the note  He tried to call Kong,but he did not pick his call.  At last frustrated, he sat down on the floor reminiscing the scene of hot make out just few hours ago.  His reverie broke when his phone rang indicating the call from Samira.  He quickly picked it and answered it only to get more confused as she said,

"Arthit, come fast, immediately now, since Kong is about to perform umshado".

Now what was umshado?


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