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Samira was sitting facing her back to Arthit and filling her stomach with whatever delicious breakfast cooked by Kong.  She was fed up by what was going on between her two brothers and so she decided to take a  break  by feeding her stomach.  She was happy and inwardly praised Arthit for Kong to be a better cook.  Arthit came out of the washroom just covering his groin with a T shirt and inviting the already active volcano to spruce the lava.

Kong was petrified when he saw his man displaying his whole nude body and covering the most crucial part with a T shirt.  Although, instead of concealing,the poor garb  was revealing the most vulnerable yet delicious riped banana shaped treasure belonging only to Kong.  Fumed and fused in by lava, Kong screamed at Arthit from where he was sitting thereby inviting his sister's attention to turn back and look for the object of his interest. 

The time stopped, nothing moved, each and every activity in the room stilled only Samira's face turned in a rather slow motion and before her gaze could reach the treasure of Kong, the shield came hugging at  jet speed covering the whole naked body of Kong's Arthit.  Kong stuck to Arthit in front covering him like a  shield. Samira, though screamed at first, but later closed her eyes and started shouting or rather screaming at the top of her vocal cords,

"ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Arthit, no shame left in you, walking naked to entice your lover, why?  NO RESPECT LEFT FOR YOUR SISTER, OR RATHER WOULD BE SISTER IN LAW, YOU HAVE COME TO THIS TO IRRITATE KONG".

"Sorry, sis, I did not intent, I am sorry............KKoooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnngggggggg, you idiot, all because of youuuuuuuuuuuuuu, take me from me here................youuuuuuuuuuuuuu".

"Stop both of you.  Samira leave this moment, leave or else I will strip Arthit in front of youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, leave".

"KOng have you gone mad, lost your mind, dumbass, scumbag,  ass, I ammmmmmmmmmm youuuuuuuurrrrrrrrr sisterr, what are you saying?  NO shame left here.  I am leaving, I cant take this".

Samira passed by Kong and slammed the door with a bang.  Once Samira was out of the violent scene, which was about to be played, Arthit pushed Kong from the front blocking his entrance to move forward and tried to reach his wardrobe to take his clothes  himself, but before he could do, Kong yanked him and hugged him so tightly that Arthit could hardly breathe.  He started hitting Kong to  free himself, but Kong tightened his grip and he bit Arthit on the neck leaving a hickey.  A dark purple hickey appeared to the utter satisfaction of Kong and he there after loosened  he grip to face Arthit, he suddenly plunged his mouth on Arthit.  He took whole of Arthit's mouth into his and started chewing, grinding, and did not know what he was doing, except kissing.  Arthit was so taken aback that his feeble resistence was not successful, at last when recovered he just punched Kong on the ribs,  making them separate their mouth with a plop sound  and falling down  on the floor with a thud  and completely unveiled   Arthit's groin thereby making it vulnerable to be consumed entirely by ethean lava.  God save Arthit.


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