Pang of Pure Uthando

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There was urgency in Kong's eyes which Arthit knew very well.  It was not playful, mirthful or lusty.  But rather he felt a pang of  love, that was not of passion, but of pure love, to be one with him, yes only with him, Kong 's  Arthit.  The nudity of Arthit brought yearning to both souls of love. Their love was unique filled with  hatred, fight, jealousy, hitting blows and passionate love making, wanting each other's companionship after very long time since Samira moved in.  They did not have their time.

Both were engrossed in their own sea of love and after becoming one, they embraced each other and slept like a log of wood.  Arthit slept out of exhaustion forgetting the world and frustration in his lover arms. Kong lifted his naked Arthit placed him gently on their bed.  He made Arthit lie straight on his back and thereby fully admired his Arthit's naked body.  He knew each and every ounce of flesh belonged to him and only to HIM. His heart overwhelmed with emotions since the accident which occurred eight years ago.  Arthit  blamed himself for the accident since then Arthit became too paranoid of losing Kong.  

Arthit was driving his car with Kong seated on the front seat.  Arthit was flaunting his driving skills to his love, since he newly acquired his driving licence.  Arthit was still young and inexperienced in driving, so when he decided to take his father's car without his permission just to go for a drive with his lover just for thrill. 

It was night time and the highway was full with  trucks and heavy containers.  Arthit and Kong were very much in love. Arthit was driving at 100 km/h and breaking almost all the traffic rules just for the sake of the fast pace of their drive and even life.    It was a rainy night, the roads were slippery and the truck was coming at almost full speed in the opposite direction.  The driver was drunk and so were the lovers in their own love.  The car and the truck collided head on and thereby blacking out the lives of the three souls.

All three survived the catastrophe, but Kong had to pay a heavy price for his love. Kong had several injuries, but recovered fast leaving his Arthit with shock and psychological trauma of almost killing him.  Arthit was almost for 30 days in shock.  His mind was severely affected more than physical injuries. Arthit blamed himself for Kong's accident and almost broke up with him since he thought he might kill his Kong.

Those two months when Kong was almost paranoid whether Arthit would abandon and walk out of his life.  It took too much of patience, will power, determination to bring his Arthit back on the track of his love.  Both their parents were against their love including Arthit.  Kong fought against all odds finally to claim Arthit.  He knew Arthit loved him more than himself.  He could see through Arthit's  trauma, guilt  and shock that he truly loved him.  The trauma left Arthit very over possessive and violent only with his Kong.  He did not want to reveal his true love for Kong and so he always distanced himself from Kong.  Arthit believed that he was a curse in Kong's life. Even though, Kong won over their love, but the aftermath still lingered.  The six months they spent together was turning point in their love life, since both without revealing understood that there was only Kong and Arthit in their world and there was not an inch of space left  for anyone else.

The pang of uthando which Kong felt every time Arthit became violent was because of the accident.  Every time Arthit hit Kong, it was Arthit's way to tell him that he was not worth for Kong and subtly told Kong to leave him.  But every time Kong fought back.  But today, he felt like giving up on their love, since he was tired of explaining Arthit that he was his love and the only reason to live in that  world.  It had been eight years and even then Arthit still had burden of guilt on his shoulder.  Kong decided to unload Arthit's guilt by walking out of their love life.


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