The Note

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The next  morning was quite okay with Samira sipping a cup of coffee along with Arthit and Kong was in the shower.  Every one was playing the game of who will not break the silence.  Samira could not believe that her brothers were quite shameless when it came to proclaim or rather free show their love in front of any one.  She felt that they did not even feel guilty for acting that way.  It was time for her to move from their life.  Although, she must admit that the life was really exciting, funny and full of love in the house where she was just a guest and of course a most important member their life if they ever married.

Kong came out after showering full clothed and did not even glance at Arthit or his sister.  He just sat close, very close to Arthit almost brushing his arm with him even when they were not on talking terms, which did not go unnoticed by both Arthit and Samira.  Arthit moved in closer and almost made his side of the body brush with Kong.  Both were aware of the third person present in the room, but they acted oblivion of the person sitting and carried out with their flirting with each other.

"I have decided", said Samira who was quite pissed off with this blatant display of amorous show even during the cold war so in order to distract them, she finally uttered what was on her mind since the morning she came home seeing them in bed together.

"Decided what", blurted out Kong

"I have decided to move out from here".

"Wow!  Good decision and so when are you being scare".

"Kong, stop it.  Don't mind him Sis.  Why?  Did I or did we do something you did not like?"

"No, Arthit, it is time for me to go back to my parents, since I cannot crash myself here forever".

"Oh, at last finally, you understood.  I need my privacy with my Arthit".

"KOoooooooooonnnnnnnnggggggg, enough is enough.  I won't allow any insult from you directed towards my sister.".

"Well, biologically, I am his brother and not you, so save this sister complex for her".

"So what, if we ever get married, I will be her brother, according to that relationship, she is my sister and Samira, you have full right to stay in this house".

"If we ever get married na, that itself is a big question mark?"

"Look, Kong, I do not want to quarrel with you for our sister".

"Arthit, this is our life and no one is allowed to come between you and me".

"Oh,stop it guys.  Anyway, I was  here for a month only , but it has been like three months, since it felt so much as my home since I bonded with Arthit, but it is  time for me to go, if you had married Kong, then you could have stopped me from going, but now I am just your lover's sister and yours legally".

Arthit tried to convince Samira to stay but she already made her decision and after packing her stuff, glancing at them, she left leaving her newly bonded brother sad and biologically bonded brother elated.  Arthit was so angry that he just barged out of the house leaving Kong alone.  Kong liked his family and even his sister but his love for Arthit was more than his own family.  But seeing Arthit attached to his sister, he was quite worried, since, Arthit was in trauma which even after eight years of counselling and therapy did not help.  So he kept everyone away from his Arthit.  He knew Arthit could be influenced very easily whenever it came to leave Kong for good.

Having decided to walk out of only love life, the next step was marriage.  He would force Arthit into marriage where he could never think of ever leaving him or feeling guilty about it.  Kong was so much into Arthit that he just could not think of leaving Arthit himself.  But he had to shock Arthit or rather force him into marriage, for which he had a brilliant plan and first execution was very well conducted by his sister Samira.  

"Well done Sis!"

"Thank you Bro, anything for Arthit, not for you".  

Thus ending the call, Kong left a note for Arthit to read and react:

Dear Arthit,

I am leaving too.  Since I know, you still blame yourself for the accident and you still think that you are a threat for my life.  I am tired of convincing you that it is not the case.  Nothing is working, no therapy, no counselling.  I am really exhausted since you are becoming violent every day purposely so that I can leave you and go.  If this is what you want then be it so.  I am walking out of our love life.  Good bye.  If you ever want to meet me, come to St Peter's church since I am..................find it for yourself.

Good bye




Not edited, feeling lazy.  Sorry

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