Family Picnic

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Samira really  considered Arthit as her little brother.  She genuinely was concerned about Arthit since the way Kong treated him, she thought was a shit and seeing Kong thoroughly taking advance of his innocent lover really pissed her off.  What she thought was a joke for a joke later turned into separation for might be...........................(let's not discuss this now)

Samira was Kong's sister and she perfectly decided to respond to Kong's challenge in a way which would drive Kong crazy.  As soon as Arthit sensed that apart from them, there was a third person present in the room, he relaxed and paid attention to Samira leaving Kong  for a moment there by vexing Kong and smirking Samira.  He was so tensed and worried to the core that he was literally crushing Kong down by his over parenting thing, which was truly loved by Kong.

"Sis, you have come finally, now look, what my Kong has done to his self".

"Arthit, relax, what happened?"

"My Kong fell from the stairs".

"oh, and sprained his foot, oh, just a sprain".

"What just a sprain?  He could not walk, I carried him and look how pale he looks".

"Arthit, whom are you talking to and why did you leave me?  Please come closer, the pain is too much to bear".

Slowly, Kong opened his eyes and held his arms in a sleeping position towards Arthit.   Before Arthit could bend and take Kong in his arms, Samira held Kong in her arms trying to imitate Arthit.

"Kong, my little bro, Kong, what happened?  How are hurt or sprained?".

"Oh, Samira, it is you, I thought it is Arthit, you are so heavy , damn, Arthit, oh, it is aching badly because of the over weight."

"What you called me fatty, Kong?  How dare you Kong?"

" Arthit, help me please, she is killing me".

"Sis, just don't fall on him.  You inquire about his pain by not hugging him, please release him".

"Arthit, you too  said this, I am his sis,   I am worried, but look he calls me fatty.  Can't I worry about him?"

"Kong, stop calling sis fatty, she so cute like you, don't call her that.  She is just worried about you".

Before Kong could reply, the door bell rang and the door was unlocked and came in Kong's parents and his friends.  Guess who the caller was ?   All in all, there were around six  people who came to help Arthit to look after his Kong.  Although, Arthit was happy to see so many people who came to see his lover for his injury, but Kong was so depressed that he cried hugging his mother, who was overwhelmed by her son's sudden love shower and yearning for her.

Kong was surrounded by his father, mother, Samira, making faces at Kong, his two idiotic friends Oak and Tew, and Aim who was hiding behind Kong's father frequently glancing at Arthit who was giving death glares to him from kitchen preparing dinner for the uninvited guests, much to his happiness and much to disgust of his lover.  Aim became the hero who saved Kong and he was praised by the family and friends.  Initially, when Arthit  was listening to praises for Aim, he became angry since Aim ridiculed his lover's falling, but later realized that it was because of Aim that Kong was safe and sound.  So in order to compensate for his slap, Arthit prepared a delicious milky shake for Aim and happily fed Aim himself or rather forcing him to drink much to the dreadful state of Aim. 

Kong was so annoyed by smirks from Samira, forced family time, nearness of Arthit and Aim that he screeched  so loudly that everyone looked at him, he wagged his tongue.......

"Arthit, come back to me, I want to spend time with you and not with them.  Now, listen all, I faked my fall just to be closer to Arthit to get me, only ME. Now out everyone, I want Arthit and only him. out................ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut..............................................................

and at that time the door was opened and came in the neighbour waiing respectfully to them, but looking at Samira with awe and said in a humble tone, 

"I request my dear P Kong to sing very gently and softly as tomorrow is my exam and I am preparing for it".  


Should I bring little bit angst dear readers.

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