Mama Kong

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Daydreaming  about his handsome husband's baby bump , waving him at  him cutely at the airport, Arthit's heart was beating fast.  He could not restraint his heart or mind.  He practically ran down from the escalator and reached the exit gate like a thunder.  As soon as he imagined his Mama Kong waving at him, he slipped on the glazed tiles of the exit gate.  All were astonished but after seeing him stabling himself, the people presented there minded their business.  But all he saw  was a South African native standing among other standees with a placard reading his name.  He felt dejected and somehow reached there.  Arthit understood only little English and with whatever knowledge of the language he had, he was convinced that he was taken to his husband's place.

Arthit sat on the window seat and started getting lost in the beauty of the capital city Cape town.  He was amazed to know that South Africa had three capitals, one judicial, administrative and legislative.  With what he could understand from Liam, he felt happy to know that his husband was hale and healthy and happily pregnant.  Though Mr Liam did not say anything about his husband being pregnant.  Strange, he felt, but it's ok, why to blow the trumpets of them going to be would be parents, not safe for his Mama Kong, thought Arthit.

Arthit was driven outside the capital city.  It looked more like an suburban area.  As they reached the place, Arthit noticed that there were more of bushes, trees, fields and cultivated areas rather than congested or crammed streets or roads.  The car stopped at the one storey  building  of same design and type but three in rows.  The first building read' Archaeological Survey of South Africa, Head office.  He got out of the car and before he could move his steps forward in to the direction, out came barging towards him, his parents, his in-laws, Samira and taking into a tight hug.  They all said,

"Welcome Papa Arthit, welcome, your three children are waiting to hug their poppy excitedly".

"What three?" screamed Arthit.


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