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Dressed in well  made tailored cut suit Kong was an impressionable groom much to the jealousy of Oak, Tew and M.  All envied him, even his father, father-in-law, Samira and of course,his die hard fans, his two moms.    The Priest who stood at the altar waiting for the bride to be was irritated beyond any measure, since he was continuously  informed or rather shouted at that the bridegroom would be  coming in five minutes for past 60 minutes.  He was so pissed off with the marriage party because in their urgency, they were going on mentioning bride as bridegroom.  

The whole scenario in the Church altered when Prae arrived along with her friends Maprang and Mey.  All three girls were dressed as brides.  The whole marriage party was stunned to see so many brides and only one bridegroom.  The brides too stood at the entrance in utter shock.  The priest shouted at Mr Rojanapat stating that he would not love a man to be  married to three brides at the same time.  It was not allowed in that holy sanctuary.  He further accused them that they were demeaning the sanctity of the Church.  

"Mr Rojanapat, I will never approve  this kind of marriage".

"Mr Load, please try to understand, we have gathered here only for one marriage and even I am shocked as you are as to why there are three brides instead of one bridegroom.

"Mr Rojnapat, are you all kidding me, right from the time since you have entered, all of you are mentioning bride as bridegroom.  All have lost your minds."

Before Mr Suthiluck could talk back, he was interrupted by M.  All were startled as M screeched at the top of his vocal cords,

"Meyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, how dare you betray me and marry Kong.  Kong, you traitor, you had eyes for my girlfriend for so many years, wait, you just wait, waiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittttttttttttttttt, till Arthit comes here and  whacks you black and blue.  You just wait till  Arthit lands here".

"M, MMMMMMMMMMMM, listen, I can explain, lisssssssssstennnnnnnn, please..........." pleaded Mey.

"M, MMMMMMMMMMMM, there is nothing between Mey and me , I love Arthit and only Arthit, you idiot, you thick head."

"Hey, at least try to see the place, what you are  saying, these  preposterous words and behaviour  are condemnable."preached Mr Load

Kong, M and Mey moved  to where the priest was bellowing and shouted into his ears,

"Shut up, youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu assssssssssssssssssssssssholeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, shut upppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp".

Mr Load was felt like a electric shock emanating from his ears, he sat down at one of the pewters and closed his ears for the moment.  Prae and Maprang too started arguing as to they had agreed to act like a bride for Kong.  Slowly, headaches started as the whole group were shouting, Oak was shouting at Maprang, Tew at Prae and Samira at all of them.  Mey was pulling M's hair.  The parents and parents-in-law settled down for the time being since they too did not know about the confusion as to why there were three brides to act as Kong's bride  instead of one. 

All the six friends were engaged in battling with each other for no apparent reason.  They were shouting and screaming much to the despair of the church goers.  At last realizing the holiness of the place, they moved out of the church and started arguing at the entrance.  The position of the friends were like this, Mey was back hugging,Kong, Maprang was holding Kong's left hand, Prae was right, in between them M, Tew and Oak circled them.    In that situation, at around 12 :00 PM, the much awaited bridegroom entered the premise of the church only to witness that his lover was dressed in groom's suit and he was attacked by three brides in waiting for the marriage.  Seeing his lover in danger, Arthit growled like a lion and plunged himself on the trio's circle to free his lover from the monsters and white devils.


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