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Arthit's mind registered a tight slap on his face.  His ears started ringing and the pain caused tears to run down his cheeks.   He looked at his husband who was red like a hot iron about strike at him then,

"Arthit, are you out of your mind?  Did our separation make you lose  your senses?  I am a male.  Did you not study in your biology class?  Man could not produce babies .  You asshole."

"So, you are not pregnant", cried Arthit

"No.  But still they are your children.  You are the father since you are my husband.  I have adopted them since they lost their parents in forest fire.  The eldest is U, the second one is T and third one is H.  And who told I am pregnant".

"I got a courier that you are pregnant.  But anyway, they are my children right.  I am happy.  But then who sent that letter".

"I sent it", said Samira.



"Why Samira?" A ll asked in their unique level of surprised tones who came out after the make out session was over and hearing the thundered lion ragging his anger on little turtle.  Samira said that she could not see Kong struggling to take care of his own kids without Arthit.  She felt that Kong was totally became a workaholic without his husband and she could see the pangs of separation between the couples since Knot too kept her updated about Arthit's condition.  

"Kong, you are here for two months, my parents, your parents and Samira all are here except me, so you don't want me to bring up our kids together.  You deliberately kept my kids away from me.  How dare you?"

"Arthit, I am sorry, actually, I got this offer to come out South Africa from carry out my research on Zulu Language and Culture from my professor and I did not want to miss the opportunity, actually I decided to sent for you once I found a job for you in a bank.  I invited all of them to be here with me and give the support I needed, since I was adopting without your permission.  I was scared you won't accept them as they are not our kids.  So I asked them to come here and  as soon as I got a dream job for you, I was planning to make a call to you, but before that this happened".

"Yes, Arthit, please forgive Kong, he was scared, please forgive him" 

"Pleeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssseeeeeeeeeee, soooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyy"

"pleeeeeeeeeechhhhhh Kong poppyyyyyyyyyyyyy",

"Kongggggggggpoppyyyyyyyyy, boo hoo, waaaaaahhhhhhh, poppyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy" started crying the three children who thought that their poppy was scolding Kong poppy.  Arthit was so moved by the scene that he scooped all three in his arms and rain series of kisses on all three.  The scene was so  emotional and sentimental that brought tears in every one's eyes.  

After the passing of the sentimental turmoil, Arthit placed his kids down and handed over to Samira to take care of them.   He pulled Kong by his vest and went inside  the nearest building .  He found a small room and locked both of them in there.


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