Kong's Day

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When Arthit reached the City Hospital within the fifteen minutes of the call, he never thought he would see the sight of his lover with a bandaged left foot.  Aim was seating next to his lover and instructing him about the care for his foot.  

It so happened that Kong was taking two steps at a time to get down from the stairs, reason to meet his lover Arthit, Why?  to pick him from his bank.  But instead of two steps, he jumped on the third and fell on the banister, perfecting landing but with a twisted foot.  The pain was so unbearable that he almost cried for help.  The students gathered around and lifted him.  He was then taken to the City Hospital by his fellow professor friend Aim, who was quite shocked and tensed since Kong reputation as a Strict Professor was changed into a 'falling professor'.  This explanation pissed Arthit so much that he punched Aim right on his face when he narrated the incident to the utter horror of both Kong and his friend Aim.  

The sudden punch landed Aim on the chair next to Kong and he  started whimpering like a dog  eyeing Kong.  Although, Kong felt bad for his friend, but he was at a total loss.  Kong traded Aim classes for him if Aim agreed to his plan of duping Arthit regarding his injury.  Kong already informed Aim about his fiery and fierce Arthit  when it came to Kong's safety and injury.  He warned Aim that he might turn into a maniac or violent rogue.  But Aim took all this talk as over exaggeration on part of Kong about his lover.  But when he really experienced it, he felt shell-shocked and the punch, god, it was like a live electric current sensation.  His cheeks were still vibrating.  

Kong finally, pacified Arthit, although, he was still angry  at Aim and on top of it Aim was sticking close to Kong.  

"Take your hands off, you scumbag, he is my lover.  TAAAAAAAAAAAAAKKKKKKKKKKKeeeeeeeeeee yyyyyyyyyyyyyouuuuuuuuuur HHHHHHHHHanddddddofffffffffffffffffffffff, you idiot, or elseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee".

Aim scurried like a rabbit from the scene and the whole hospital came to stand still because of thunderous amplification of Arhit's shout.  The stilled people saw the hero scooping the injured lover in his arms and walking pass them.  The hero's face wore the intensity of his love whereas the injured lover's face was full of smiles and kisses for the audience peeping over the hero's shoulder.  Kong knew then that he had won his day.  Arthit would leave anything and everything in his world for him.  "Samira, you just wait".


Photo credit-Internet

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