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All mosquitoes were zapped by the electric racket called Kongpob. The incoming DC voltage was enough to kill the annoying mosquitoes separating Kong and Arthit.  Family and friends disappeared from the sight as soon as the thunder stuck leaving only the high voltage Kong, startled Samira and choleric  Arthit.  

Ten minutes passed and the positions of the three actors changed.  Arthit stood by the bed, Kong on the bed and Samira peeping outside the balcony.  Nobody uttered a word.  There was silence and the silence was not pleasing about very annoying to Kong.  Actually, Kong was waiting for Arthit to hit him, and shower him with  items of any kind or size, but nothing came hurtling at him.  He was staring at Arthit waiting for his lips and hands to work, but fit to be tied Arthit was quiet and he was staring at the wall.  His gaze had a kind of some sort of determination and that decision was creating vibrations of impending danger for Kong and also Samira.

Samira did not want any serious misunderstanding between her brothers, but before she tried to explain anything to Arthit, he walked passed her and closed the door after her.  When Samira tried to talk to Kong, but he went to the washroom without giving any reply.    It was eight in the evening, after the eventful day, Samira cooked  dinner for her, ate in silence and went to bed, since even Kong left immediately after Arthit.  She knew no one would be in a mood to have their dinner.  It was around 12 am that Kong unlocked the door, changed into the night wear and went to sleep with Arthit on the mattress next to Samira's bed.  But there was only one mattress.  But  Arthit was not there.  He looked for him in the kitchen and there he was lying on the mattress looking at the ceiling.  

Kong entered the kitchen and sat on the mattress next to Arthit, the moment Kong entered Arthit sprawled himself on the mattress and did not give any space for Kong to lie down.  Kong was confused sine he had not seen this side of Arthit.  He did not scream or beat him, no raining of things or items , instead he had started avoiding him or rather ignoring him.  Kong was Kong and so he squeezed himself next to Arthit and Arthit was Arthit,  he pushed Kong out of mattress.  Both struggled for about five minutes, at last tired, Kong gave up and went to sleep in the living room.  Having won the first round, Arthit sprawled on the mattress and grinned to his heart's content and drifted himself to sleep only  to find himself  in the morning  cooped like a hen  very tightly in a cage,, but here  it was Kong's two strong arms instead of cage. 

Angered by this, Arthit kicked Kong very hard and Kong let off the man in his arms.  Arthit was about to throw pillow at Kong, which was next  to him, but restrained himself from doing that.  He quickly got from the bed and before he could move out of the kitchen, Kong quick with reflex, caught him by his wrist,turned his whole body facing him and fused his lips on Arthit all of a sudden.  Arthit was taken aback and next time when Kong tried to kiss him, he quickly moved away from him and ran out of the kitchen and then into the washroom.

Kong prepared breakfast for Arthit, but to his dismay, his own sister Samira was eating major portion of it.   Inwardly, he was cursing Samira, which even his sister knew, but was enjoying the food instead of arguing with Kong.  Arthit was stuck into the washroom for almost 45 minutes, since he forgot to take the towel.  He was thinking what to do since he decided he would not talk to Kong but he did not feel like involving Samira to come between Kong and him.  So he decided to walk out of the washroom with only his T-shirt wrapped around his waist in front of Samira and thus invoking lava from the already burning Volcano.


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