Uthando Family-2

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"What three?  Really, my unborn babies are triplets.  They are definitely gonna like me.  Like Arthit.  I am so eagerly waiting for my Mama Kong.  Where is he?  Kong, Koooooooonnnnnngggg, mama Kong, Kong dear.  Are you feeling shy?  Konggggggggggggggg", screeched the excited father at the top of his voice earning some vexation from his parents and parents-in-laws and a glisten from his sister Samira's eyes.   He totally ignored them and starting looking for his husband eagerly among them.  To his utter horror, came three kids of almost six, five and four years old.  Two boys and a girl  looked like a African and looked so cute.  They came rushing and almost put their entire wait on their poppy.  They barged out of the room and threw themselves on the poppy making his entirely tumble and fall on the ground.

"Ubaba, UUUUUUUUbbbbbbbbbbabab, poppppppppppppy, " said the six year old boy.

"Poppppppppppyyyyyyyyyyyy, Alhitpopppppppppppppppyyyyyyyyy", said the five year old girl.

"UbbbbbbbbbbbbaaaaaaaaAAArrrrrrrllllllllllhit, ppppppppooooooooopyyyy", said the three year  old boy.

Seeing the grown up kids instead of unborn babies, Arthit was totally appalled by the sight that he totally almost on the verge of losing his consciousness when he saw a sight of breath taking for his mind, soul and at that time body.  His husband Kong, instead of flaunting his baby bump, plumpy and chubby walking slowly and carefully, was seen running at full speed displaying his six pack abdomen, well toned arm and leg muscles, for he just wore shorts and a vest totally revealing his body to everyone accompanied by two handsome and athletic men chasing him or rather following him.  Arthit placed all the three kids a little away from him but to his utter frustration all three tag along.  One was holding his T-shirt, the other his jeans and the youngest one was in his arms almost blinding him with kisses following by piercing his ears with incomprehensible words emitting from them.

On reaching the spot, the three kids then left Arthit and ran towards Kong.  Kong scooped all three in his arms and came as fast as he could to meet his P Arthit.  Standing there in full serious and rather red-faced displaying his anger, he said,

"Stop right there Kong, you cheated on me.  You already gave birth to three kids and they are almost grown up."

"Arthit, please listen, calm down, listen, hey, what did you say? I cheated on you.  How dare you?  How  dddddddddaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrreeeeeeyou?" bellowed Kong.

All were surprised and understood that violent scene is going to played in front of them.   Sensing the danger, the parents and parents-in-law followed by Samira scooped each child and disappeared from the scene.  Arthit came close to him too close for sex-starved couples.  Before, Kong move away from him, Arthit pulled him by his arm and locked his palm at the back of Kong's neck and applied force a lip-biting, smooching kisses.  Devouring almost the lips from both the parties leaving the assistants of Kong totally shocked, they kissed non stop for next 10 minutes.  Although, there was no family member witnessing the scene, but as usual the fan girl Samira was peeping from the window and relishing her brothers reunion, but could not bear outsiders witnessing them.  She came out dragged those two men inside the room and warned to stay away from them for next three hours or so.

After almost twenty minutes, the lips were separated and the anger which became missing and longing hunger, once gain its position and made Kong continue with his assault,

"Arthit, how dare you say I will cheat on you".

"Kong, I did not mean in that sense.  I know you will never do that.  But you never told me that gave birth to my babies and you kept my kids away from me for a long time.  I will never forgive you.  And now you are again pregnant with my baby and instead of taking care of my baby,you are running naked for others to ogle at you.  Why you have a six pack instead of bump?  Where is my baby?  What you have done to my fourth baby? I will sue Kong for this, sue you, you wait".


Sorry not proofread.

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