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Arthit just got up from the bed cursing the person under his breath who came to disturb his peaceful time with his husband.  On opening the door, he saw the three donkeys standing rather scared at the bull.  The bull was not raging but quiet that time, on seeing the bull calm, the three donkeys trotted into the room before the bull locked his horns to attack them.

The sound woke up Kong and tried to sat up and rested his head on head board.  He was happy to see his friends who had caught Arthit when he tried to escape from him.  He smiled at Tew, Em and Oak for fulfilling his wish.  He was feeling elated that Arthit was no match for his friends in combat.  

"Thank you my dear friends in nailing my husband or else he would have ran away without our first night".

"Kong, you are fine.  That is enough, let's not discuss that now", said Tew.

'Why Tew, let's discuss it right now, how you three ran after me, circle me like a prey, caught me by my arms and lifted with my legs raising high on your shoulders and carrying me up to this room, am I right dear Kong's friends".

"P Arthit, I think, we will make a move now, Kong is fine.  Take care", said Em pushing both Tew and Oak to the door.  Before they could reach there, Arthit screamed at the top of his lungs immediately arresting them in their tracks.  Kong was shocked with his sudden change in Arthit and he understood that it was Arthit who came on his  own accord and his friends had nothing do in his coming there.  Suddenly, there was a chasing game which looked like a fun for Arthit but a matter of life and death for Tew, Oak and Em.  All three were running round the bed trying to escape Arthit and he was running in order to catch them.  There was lot of commotion and chaos from the people who were chasing each other and the person who was on bed had already lost his mind.  After panting and puffing, running, chasing, locking, catching, they halted for a minute to relax their raising heart beats.  After relaxation, when they were about to run around, Arthit in his hazer voice asked them to stop that chasing game and ordered them to come near them.  The trio formed a human chain and stood before Arthit shivering to the core, before he could say or do anything, the three knelt down in front of Arthit and asked for forgiveness.  They once again sat the same old song of love and friendship for Kong.  

Seeing his friends insulted by Arthit, Kong shouted at Arthit and hurled insults at him.  Arthit was lost by this sudden outburst from Kong in front of his friends and walked out of the room leaving behind the trio and his husband in the room.  Arthit walked but his mind was replaying the last sentence uttered by Kong,

"Arthit, you will never change, you will be forever violent and hit others, I am done with you".


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