Married Couple

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When Kong woke up on the king-sized bed in the morning alone in a hotel room booked by him, he felt little bit surprised, but yet he chuckled himself at the roses strewn on his bed.  It was the sign of his first night with his husband, the sheets were ruffled, the clothes were thrown recklessly here and there, a condom was lying next to the night table and the lube was almost squeezed out of its liquid like he would have sucked his husband's  juicy lollipop into a dried straw.  He tee-heed at the thought of his husband wincing in pain at the bottom in the bathroom.  

Before, he could look at him completely, he saw his husband walking out of the bathroom fully dressed and looking as handsome as ever.  On seeing Kong up on the bed, he directly came to his side and sat  on the bed.  Arthit saw a kind of stupid giggle on his husband's  face instead of  pain.  He wondered what would have triggered that idiotic snigger on his face.  Worried he laid his hand on his arm and asked,

"Kong, are you alright?  You have not lost your head somewhere?"

"Perfectly, I am fit as  a fiddle".  But why you are not in pain, my dear husband?"

"Why should I have?"

"Well, mmmmmmmmm, yesterday, was our first night and I might have dropped my love bombs in  you, since you were running away from me".

"KOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONnnnnnnggggggg, are you really okay?  Have you lost your sensation?"

"What do you mean Arthit?" 

"Look at your groin, Kong, look there, it is bandaged".  You must be in pain.  May be pain killer has  worked on you".

Kong lifted his quill from his bottom and saw a bandage hugging his member rather happily.  Since the colour of the bandage was pink and on top of it was written 'Get well soon'.  Kong felt as if he touched a live wire fully electrified with regret of not having sex with his husband, incomplete marriage ceremony and still letting his husband as a married virgin even after being wedded, though his lover lost his virginity to him he was 18 and his Arthit 20.  

Kong started yelling loudly at the top of his voice and held Arthit's hand.  He started first yelling, crying, weeping, sobbing and finally  mewling into quietness.  Arthit allowed him to perform his antics and settle.  Finally, when he got tired of his rendition, he looked into his husband's eyes and said,

"Arthit, still you are virgin even after our marriage, now our marriage will not be complete unless, we have our first night.  Now what to do?"

"OH, my god, Kong you do not remember anything.  Well ,our  marriage rituals and ceremonies are complete, now we are a married couple, because I  topped you to complete our wedding.  Congrats, now we are husband and husband and no longer married virgins".

"Whattttttt, you fucked me, youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. YOUUUUUUUUUUU topped me, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, oh, god, Arthit, you idiot, you asshole, youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, you dead head, jerk,kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk, whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, did  youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm................mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.  "Thus his mouth was blocked by Arthit's.


Hope you all like this chapter.  I am back.  But still out of ideas.

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