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As soon as Kong was quietened by the sudden kisses, Arthit laid him on his lap and sang a lullaby to him.  Arthit was just humming a tune and rocked Kong in his arms.  The stressed filled life of Kong since his marriage took toll on him and gave himself completely under his husband's care.  

It was almost 12 in the noon, when Arthit woke up feeling stiff in holding his husband.  It was time to have a quick brunch his Kong's medicines were due after lunch.  Arthit laid Kong on bed and ordered for some light brunch for them.   He sat on the chair and looked around the room which was not as luxurious as a suite or as cheap as a lodge.  It was a comfy room just fit for a newly wedded couple to have their privacy.  He was happy with his marriage and his first night.  In those 10 years and 6 months, they had been intimate umpteen number of times, but Arthit never topped Kong.  It was only Kong who took care of him.  In every possible way, Kong was there for him.  After the traumatic past, Kong was always there for him.  

The love for Arthit was just love, but for Kong it was an obsession.  When Kong knew he could not make Arthit's guilt vanish into thin air, he decided to leave Arthit for good.  Arthit felt his life would end if Kong left him .  But Arthit was happy that he would not be with anyone except him and in order to assure that Kong tricked Arthit to marry him. More than Arthit, Kong needed care and love from him cos Arthit would  leave him, he thought.  Of course, Arthit had still not over that fear of causing harm to Kong, but that did not mean he would leave Kong.  The past was because of the shock, initially he behaved rudely with Kong in order to let Kong out of his life, but as years passed by,he realised that Kong was fit for him and the same went for him.  They were so much in love with each other that separation was never at option for them.

The food arrived and Kong was woken up by his husband.  Both had their lunch, but Kong was fed by Arthit.  After their brunch, Kong was completely refreshed in body and mind by his husband.  Arthit changed his clothes and massaged his bottom since the pain killer's effect was slowly wearing off.  Both watched TV and relaxed on bed.  Kong was carried by Arthit to relieve himself.  Everything Arthit did, all Kong had to dowas to bask in  husband's love.  There was a kind of silence between them, which was soothing, occasionally, they kissed and most of the time they cuddled.  For next seven hours, both were glued to each other.  In those seven hours, how many kisses would have exchanged between them, in those seven hours, how many love filled thoughts would have crossed in their minds, they never bothered, since  everything was quite before the knock at the door.


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