Kong's pain

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After the heroic act by Samira, Arthit became her fan earning much love and attention from Samira and lot of frustration, jealousy and possessiveness from Kong.   Arthit literally started heroine-worshipping Samira.  He cooked breakfast, lunch and dinner for her.  He did shopping for her.  He did her laundry for her.  He chatted with her from morn till night.  He tagged along Samira where ever she went.  Samira too was very much enjoying this attention and love from Arthit.  The day started for Arthit when Samira was up.  He brewed coffee for them and chatted almost for half an hour before he left for his office and when he came back from his office in the evening, Samira in turn brewed coffee for them and again chatted for half an hour discussing everything under the sun.  Life for Arthit became more interesting and he felt like had gotten himself  a sister whom he could bank upon to end his loneliness of being an only child  and to share his feelings and happiness  with her.

Kong never doubted  Samira would be his love-rival, but rather he felt extremely sad at how close Arthit was getting to his sister leaving him.  He never thought that Arthit would totally give him up for his sister Samira.  Kong hated Samira since he was her  brother and not  Arthit.  He was so jealous that he started hatching plots to separate the two.  But they were going strong, very strong and in fact had always seen through his plans.  So they ignored him totally and carried out their gossiping, talking  and enjoyed each other's company.  Arthit did not allow Kong to touch him when ever he liked.  He started maintaining distance from him and reason was, 

"Kong behave yourself, sis is here, what will she think about us, if you are always clinging to me".  

Kong was devoid of Arthit's closeness for three long days and nights.  It was too much for him and so he thought of a brilliant plan and he decided to execute it.  He knew that how much ever Arthit want to be with Samira, in the end it was Kong to whom he would return.  He knew very well if anything happened to him, Arthit would  leave everything  and be where he would be.

On the  fourth day of so called new found brother and sister's love, there came a storm to engulf their love temporarily.   It was 11 in the morning, Arthit was in his cabin talking to an important client regarding the client's bank account details, suddenly the phone buzzed and the screen flashed an unknown number.  Not giving much thought to who the caller would be, Arthit picked up the call,

"Hello, Arthit. Kong has fainted and he is admitted to the city hospital.  Please come quickly".

Before Arthit could react, the phone went dead.


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