Kicked Ball

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The raging bull was quietened by his husband's devouring or rather biting lips.  The bull never imagined himself to be kissed by a maniac on his wedding day. But  first, he wanted to knock down the three donkeys who held him tight in order to be married to his husband.  'Husband', Wow!  That sounded good.  Now that both were married to each other.  He did not have fear that his Kong would cheat on him.  Although, he knew, nobody could love him as much as he did, though his love was crazy, wild, feral, untamed, tigerish, wolfish, menacing and yet it was the love for which he lived.  It was crazy since he was madly in love with him, it was wild, untamed and feral since he had such hot, real hot physical oneness that he never thought of anyone else  and it was menacing since not even death, humans and  sickness were not able to separate them from each other.  He loved his Kong and was inwardly happily married to him.  

But right then the matter was related to the three donkeys who not only ogled his body, but also witnessed his first kiss to his husband at very close quarters.  Kong, on other hand, was munching, grinding and producing sounds which was unpleasant for other's ears, but he enjoyed kissing his husband if it was called 'kissing' after the marriage.  He was happy and content that Arthit was his and he, Arthit's.  When slowly oxygen was dying out both of them separated with a plop sound thereby making the audience relax.  But the three donkeys who were very close to the raging bull  slowly inching away  from the scene. They would have just gone few steps when they heard the bull call their names and the scared asses turned their as they saw with their fear filled eyes, the bull started shaking his head to left and to right followed by growling and lugging at  them.  The donkeys scattered like chicks in all directions,  they tried hiding behind trees or bushes, nothing worked, infact, the trees and bushes were laughing at their own expense.  Finally, when there was no escape from the bull, they willingly surrounded to the bull by retracing their steps back to him, since their protector was also laughing along with the other trees and bushes.  

Arthit was not violent by nature, he was only too his Kong or anything or anyone messed with Kong, he was violent, otherwise no, but when he was disrobed and lecherously admired for his beauty by those donkeys, he had enough of it.  The three donkeys forcefully entered the small room taking baby steps , where Arthit was dragged like a bull, there at that time, when his husband tried to stop him, he glared at him and closed the door on his face.  The three donkeys were almost terrified when the bull who was then quietened a little for some ungodly reason. 

"You three ogled me, stripped me and witnessed my kisses.  How dare you?"

"P Arthit, please listen to us, please, give us a chance", brayed the three donkeys.

"Haahahahah, now it is my turn.  Hahahahahha", laughed Arthit.

"P ARrrrrrrrrrrrttttttttttttthhhiiiiiiiiiiitttttttttttttt, sorry, please leave me,  I am innocent, pppppppppppppp", cried Oak.

"You asked me which soap or body lotion I use, right?"

"PPPPPPPPP, sorry, I won't, although, I am curious".

"Idiot, stupid, shut your ugly mouth, PPPPPPPPPPP, listen, we did for our friend, please forgive us.  He was the one who emotionally blackmailed us, Tew, say something". said M.

"P Arthit, You are our senior, we do respect you, but Kong is our friend and life, and you are his breath, so tell me how can we let go of our life and also the breath." so saying Tew  outsmarted the two donkeys.

Arthit was impression by Tew and after warning, threatening and making them do two hundred pushups finally allowed the battered, tired and hip broken donkeys out of the small room.  The three donkeys brayed fumes of anger at their friend  and before they could reach Kong, the bull trotted to his husband and  lifted his right leg and hit his husband's balls there by puncturing the fertility area of his beloved.  The sudden attack and pain shot up in Kong's groin and he screamed for his husband and collapsed on the floor.  The whole scene of the audience moving to the actor was frozen.  All were in shock since Kong's jewel was punctured by his husband.

"Now, how will they be called a married couple without having intercourse tonight?",tensed Mr Load.

"What without having sex, the marriage is not marriage? " Kong said amidst pain much to the draining of colour from Arthit and slowly inching towards the exit.

"Tew, Oak, MMMMMMMMMMMMMM, catch ARrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrthiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit, come on quick, quickkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk, friends,...............................please, ................for the sake of our friennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnssssssssssssiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiippppppppppppppppp" so saying, Kong fainted and collapsed on the floor.


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