Chapter 3

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Amy's POV

I let Rosa in and as she walks ahead of me I wipe a stray tear from off my cheek, still concerned that something has happened to the love of my life: Jake. That's something I've never told him... that he's the love of my life... what if I never get the chance to now?

A stream of tears flood from my eyes and Rosa turns around to see my with red puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks. She rushes up to me and gives me a hug, reassuring me that Jake is okay before continuing through.

I make the both of us a cup of coffee, but as I go to take a sip of mine she says something that catches me off guard.

"Are you sure you should be drinking that?" She asks me, causing me to lower the mug from my lips.

"What? Why? I've only got a virus it's not like I'm allergic to caffeine or something like that." I say confused.

"Have some water instead." She insists pouring my mug down the sink.

I stand there staring at her shell shocked, but she just walks through to sit down in the living room and I follow her curious for her actions. She pulls a pile of binders out of her bag and I squeal with excitement, causing her to roll her eyes at me.

"Thanks Rosa!" I say admiring the binders.

"Okay calm down, Jake was going to bring them you but Captain won't let him have a lunch hour now that they've found a new lead on his case." She tells me. "Although I have been wanting to see you actually, there's something I need to talk to you about."

She stands up and comes to sit on the other side of the couch from me, bringing her bag with her. I expect her to say something when she sits down, but instead she just stares at wall behind me. I turn around expecting to find something abnormal but the wall just looks the same as usual.

"So...?" I ask indicating for her to speak.

"Oh right well erm you see the thing is, you've been ill for the past couple of days... right? From what Jake is telling us at the precinct you don't seem to be having any of the other usual virus symptoms apart from nausea and vomiting. You are also glowing at the moment, which isn't a bad thing but if you're just under the weather you tend to look really drained of colour. And well you and Jake are really close at the moment. Is there any chance that you might be... you know?" She questions.

"What do you mean?" Confusion covering my every word until I realise what she's saying. "Oh come on Rosa you don't actually think that..."

"Amy it's a possibility and if you are then wouldn't you want to know sooner rather than later, give you more time to prepare make any decisions... give you more time to tell Jake and let him prepare."

A tear slips out of my eye and quickly brush it away with my hand but not quick enough as Rosa sees it and pulls me in for a hug.

"It will be okay, I promise. It's just a possibility, you don't know for definite at the moment so there's no need to stress. I'm sure that Jake will be so supportive and if he isn't - which I'm sure won't happen - he better learn how to run fast because I will absolutely batter him." She assures me making me laugh slightly.

"I don't have a test though, I need to get changed and then I'll go to the store and buy some."

"Already done, I've got 3 different brands for you." Rosa tells me pulling three differently designed packages out of her handbag.

"Oh my gosh, thank you so much. How much do I owe you, I can't believe you did that for me." I thank her.

"It's fine, just a favour for a friend and you don't owe me anything I'm sure you would do the same if the situation was the other way round."

I give her another hug and then we make our way to the upstairs bathroom. She waits outside for me as I take each test and then set a ten minute timer when they will all be ready to give me an answer to the burning question I have just been introduced to.

Once they're all set on the counter face down, I unlock the door and let Rosa in, the two of us sat on the floor with out backs against the wall.

"I'm scared Rosa, what if they're positive? What will I do? What would Jake say? What about everyone at the precinct? And our parents? I mean we're not even married yet, what if Jake gets sick of me and dumps me for someone else? Why does he even love me, there's so many other prettier and smarter girls out there, what makes me so different? What if Jake doesn't want to be a parent yet? What about work? And bills? And all of that stuff?" I ramble on getting all worked up about what the results will come from the tests.

"Amy look at me," Rosa says but I continue to talk. "Santiago!" She says getting my attention. "Everything will be okay I promise you. Okay have you seen the way that Jake looks at you there's not a chance in this world he would ever leave you. He loves you so much and it's obvious that you love him too, you have such a special relationship and nothing will ever come between that. If these tests are positive, who knows maybe it will bring the two of you closer, if that's even possible. I never want to hear you say any of that again, okay? Jake loves you for who you are and nothing will ever change that, your unique in the best possible kinds of way. You need to trust me when I say that everything will be okay, you're the smartest person who I know and nothing will ever be too big of a challenge for you."

"Thank you Rosa, this really means a lot to me." I say.

As she squeezes my hands in reassurance the timer on my phone goes off signalling that the ten minutes where up. What happens during the rest of my life is just lying across the room from me and my face which had just previously had a smile soon dropped.

Rosa left the room and I locked the door once again, hands and legs shaking like crazy as I walk over to the counter.

"Everything will be okay." I say to myself in the mirror before picking up the first of the three tests.

{Merry Christmas everyone! Thought I would upload today and then leave it on a cliffhanger. I would love it if more and more people read this book and I pre-write my chapters so I have quite a lot ready... but if you have any ideas you want me to include them just let me know.}

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