Chapter 11

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Amy's POV

"What?" I stutter.

"I don't like you Amy." Jake repeats. "Because I love you more than life itself."

"Jake! Don't do that to me." I tell him slapping his chest jokingly as he chuckles.

"Come here." He tells me, pulling me even closer to him and wrapping his arms slightly tighter around me. "I will never stop loving you Amy Santiago, soon to be Peralta." He adds.

"I love you more." I mumble to him, as I drift off into my sleep.

Jake's POV

"Jakeee, wake up." Amy says to me shaking me gently.

I eventually drag myself out of bed and get ready for the day, the whole time I watch Amy as she admires her ring every minute or so. A smile grows on my face as I watch my fiancée cup her bump in the mirror and I walk up behind her, wrapping my arms around her, placing my hands on her stomach.

"She's kicking a bit this morning." I say to Amy as I feel our little girl move around.

"At least she let me get a good nights sleep. Make sure you understand that sweetie, Mommy likes her sleep." Amy tells our daughter.

"I love you so much Ames."

"I love you so much too."

I plant a kiss on her cheek before going to make breakfast for the both of us. Just as Amy sits down, my phone begins ringing and I take the call as it's Captain Holt.

He tells me that we have been informed of a location for the dealer of a major drug bust I have been trying to work out for weeks. I thank him, before telling Amy and the two of us finish breakfast before quickly making our way to the precinct.

When we arrive Amy goes to sit at her desk and completes some work from the day before, whilst Sergeant Jeffords pulls me away to the interrogation room. Captain Holt is staring through the glass at a man, who is blankly looking around the room.

"Peralta, this is what I've been told. There's a warehouse, where the drugs are being shipped to and dealt from there. We have found out who the dealer is and who's behind all of this, it's Melanie Hawkins. Clearly after we busted her for attempting to smuggle diamonds she's gone into the drug business. There's two options, we either bust her now, or wait a while. It's your call. If we go now we might not be able to bed her handler, but if we wait she might become suspicious. It's your case, so it's your call." Captain Holt tells me.

"Is this the perp you arrested regarding this case?" I ask Holt reviving a nod in return before I leave the room and enter the interrogation room. "Have you told us absolutely everything you know?" I ask getting straight to the point. "If you have and it's the truth the most likely we can let you go, but if you are keeping one bit of information from us or lying to us then we can still arrest you and you risk jail time. Is there anything else that you have heard about this drug. When the next shipment is coming in, who is providing it to Melanie?"

"I was accidentally there one night a shipment came in and she went off into an office with this man as other people brought boxes into the warehouse, I assume that it contained the drugs. Apparently there was talk yesterday of there being another shipment coming in tonight, at 11:30pm." He tells me, slightly afraid of me.

I explain to him how we're going to wire him up and have him connected to our van when he goes tonight. We set a signal word, so we know when to enter to building and bust not only Melanie but also her supplier.

The rest of the day goes by like usually in the precinct but at 5pm, the Captain asks for us to stay and be part of the bust. Everyone continues on their smaller cases, a pizza order brought in for our dinners: most people get a normal order, however Amy gets tuna and pepper. Her pregnancy cravings have made her want the strangest foods, at the strangest times. One night she woke up at 2am begging me for peanut butter ice cream, so I went out to get it: anything for my Amy.

When 9pm rolls around, we all begin to get geared up so we're ready to leave by 10pm. One by one the whole precinct get geared up, with bullet proof vests and guns.

"Ames, what are you doing?" I ask my fiancée as she begins to put her bullet proof vest over her clothes, which barely fits due to her bump.

"Getting geared up for the drug bust?" She replies.

I grab her hand and pull her out of the briefing room and down the corridors to the evidence locker. I stand looking at her with my arms crossed as she does the same back to me, I already know this won't be an easy battle to win.

"You're not coming on any drug bust Amy." I tell her confidently. "That was the main condition we made, whilst you're pregnant you're not doing an field work that puts either you or our baby at risk. I'm sorry Amy but nothing you say or do will convince me to change my mind and I'm certain the whole of the squad will back me up."

"But Jake that's not fair!" She complains, giving me puppy dog eyes.

She knows they're one of my many weaknesses she can apply on me. A small smirk grows on her face as she watches me weaken, but I stand my ground and continue to refuse to let her come with us.

"You can stay here with Gina." I compromise with her.

She groans before heading out, grabbing my hand and dragging me with her. When we enter the briefing room she begins to take off her jacket and as Captain Holt starts to ask me some questions about the bust, I notice Rosa go over to her, hopefully to talk some more sense into her.

Everyone begins to get into the vans, cars and unmarked cars, but Amy pulls me over to one side.

"Jake, stay safe, please. I love you so much." She says to me, a single tear slipping down her cheeks.

"I'll stay safe babe, I promise." I tell her, wiping away the tear with my thumb, placing a kiss on her bump and then a peck on her lips.

{So guys I have my phone back for like an hour because no one else is home so going to post this and prewrite as much as I can. Anyways sorry for such a cliff hanger last chapter... even though most of you guessed what was gonna happen. Please comment because getting to read all your comments just makes my day so yea}

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