Chapter 28

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Jake's POV

"Good morning Gabi." I whisper to my crying daughter as I lift her out of her crib and walk over to her rocking chair. "I'm not your mommy, so I can't feed you, but we're going to let her sleep for a little while longer because she deserves it."

She eventually settles and begins to snore softly on my chest as I trace the shape of her tiny hand whilst it rests on my shoulder. I think through what our day will be like, Gabi's first christmas.

When Gabi wakes up and begins to fuss again, I take her through to our room and get under the covers next to a sleeping Amy.

"Babe, wake up. Gabi needs feeding." I whisper, tucking Amy's hair behind her ear with one hand as my other holds Gabi against my chest.

Amy wakes up and takes Gabi off me to feed her, stopping her cries. Once Gabi finishes feeding, Amy burps her and then rests her against her knees, as our daughter looks at us with a smile and wide eyes.

"Merry Christmas babe." I say to Amy.

"Merry Christmas" she replies and places a kiss on my lips. "Merry 1st Christmas to you too" she then says to Gabi, making my heart swell with joy.

The three of us go downstairs in our matching Christmas pyjamas, something I insisted on us buying. Next to the Christmas tree was a stocking for Gabi from 'santa' as well as gifts under the tree for her aunts, uncles, and more distant friends of Amy and myself.

She gets a range of soft toys, books and interactive play mats. Whilst she is happily lying on one of the play mats, I pick up the final present under the tree and walk across the room to sit next to Amy: who is making a thorough list of who bought Gabi what.

"Babe, I know we promised no gifts this year because we're going to put money towards our wedding, but when I saw this I couldn't not get it." I say.

"Jake, but I've not got you anything..."

"Just close your eyes."

I place a large binder in her hands, the same binder I know Amy has been wanting for months now but has refused to get due to 'saving up for our wedding'. When Amy opens her eyes, they widen within a matter of seconds and she squeals - god I love her so much. Throwing her arms around me, she thanks me and places a kiss of my lips.

"I can't wait to use this, and I know exactly what for. Our wedding binder... or well one of them." She says grinning. "I haven't got you anything though." Amy apologises as she runs her hand through my hair.

"Babe, you've given me the most amazing gift anyone could ever give - a family."

"Since when did you become so cheesy?"

" 'Since when did you become so cheesy title of your sex tape!' " I quip, then stop to think.

"Doesn't quite work that one, I think you're slightly sleep deprived." Amy says placing a kiss of my forehead and picking Gabi up.

For Christmas Day dinner, my mom and Amy's parents come over, as even though there's a big Santiago gathering for New Years Ever, Amy and I have decided to stay at home this year. Our parents all make a fuss over Gabi as she's dressed in her little miss santa dress.

Fortunately, as we all sit down for Christmas dinner, Gabi falls asleep and we're able to eat just the five of us. She wakes up just before we have the Christmas pudding and sits on Amy's knee babbling away to herself as we light the cake. The flames go around the pudding and Gabi begins to laugh watching it intently.

Our parents don't stay long past 8pm and leave due to early flights back the next morning and my own mom wanting to visit her sister. After they leave, Amy puts a message on the group chat to all the squad welcoming everyone over for the evening. Terry politely declines, understandably wanting to stay at home with his daughters, but the rest of the squad all accept our invite, with Charles bring Nikolaj and Gina bring Iggy.

Both the children bring some of their Christmas presents and proudly show them to everyone. Gabi enjoys the attention as she is passed around and enjoys stroking Kevin's beard with makes him and Holt smile. Not long after, Gabi falls asleep in Rosas arms and whilst I offer to take her to bed, Rosa offers and insists on doing so herself. Amy smiles at Rosa, then lifts her head off my shoulder giving me a sweet smile and I place a small kiss on her head, the both of us adoring how much Rosa loves Gabi.

We all sit in one large conversation, laughing at jokes and listening to Charles explain why it took him a whole 36hours to cook the turkey him, Genevieve and Nikolaj had. Part way through his explanation I look down at Amy, who's sat curled up, half next to me and half on top of me, on the couch and think about how lucky I am.

Once Charles finally finishes his explanation, we play a game of charades in our teams with partners, leaving Rosa and Gina to be paired together. Amy and I aren't the worst at charades, but Kevin and Holt get every answer right and clearly win each of the four rounds. 

When Nikolaj and Iggy both begin to get tired, everyone starts to make their way home after multiple drinks. However, the night doesn't end until everyone is stood in a circle, singing to rockin' around the christmas tree.

By the time everyone has left, it's gone 11pm leaving me and Amy barely able to keep our eyes open, due to not getting a full nights sleep for months on end. Amy feeds Gabi and then gets changed for bed, whilst I get changed and then change Gabi's diaper.

"Your first Christmas and you've spent it with your two families baby. You're one luck girl." I whisper to Gabi as she falls back asleep.

{Sorry it's been so long for me to upload but I was so stuck on what to write for this chapter so yeah it's really bad and I apologise for that. Opinions would be really appreciated and also how would you feel if there was to be a time skip, sort of thing, to move the story along because I have story lines but they wouldn't fit in at the moment.
Also... season 6 came out on Netflix today so I can't wait to binge watch it tomorrow}

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