Chapter 29

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Amy's POV

Jake's leg bounces up and down as I drive us to the airport. A month ago we had our first family holiday, a week away in Spain, and not long after we arrived home Jake's half sister got in contact with him once again. After her last visit, we were more than skeptical, but she explained how she's trying to improve her life but that would never happen whilst she was with Kurt.

When we arrive, I remove Gabi's car seat from the car and lock it onto the pram. As soon as she sees me she throws her arms up and starts fussing. I pick her up and carry her, as Jake pushes the alongside us. Gabi is mesmerised by all of the lights and bright boards in the airport, but Jake is focused on the departures door.

Fortunately, unlike last time, Kate walks through on her own with her bags and there's no handcuffs or airport cops involved. She gives Jake a hug and thanks him for the second chance and then says 'hi' to me with a small hug, before turning her attention to Gabi.

"Hello gorgeous. You're beautiful you are. Yes you are." Kate says to Gabi, who at first hides in my chest but is soon babbling back in response.

During the car ride home, Kate plays with Gabi in the backseat and whilst I know Jake was hesitant as to whether his half-sister had actually changed, so far she seems to have. When we arrive home, Jake helps Kate bring her bags in from the car and I carry Gabi through to the sitting room, placing her on one of her playmats. The three of us sit down with cups of tea and it's not long before Gabi rolls over onto her stomach and tries to crawl over to Kate but after a couple of minutes accepts that she can't and begins to start crying. I get ready to stand up and pick her up but Kate stops me.

"Can I?" She asks to which Jake nods and she reaches down to pick her up. "Hey, don't cry Gabi, here we go."

Gabi stops crying and starts to smile at Kate, grabbing her hair as Kate pulls faces at her. Jake looks at me with a large smile on his face, he's always wanted a big family and we've witnessed moments like this with all of my brothers - them comforting Gabi - but a different sort of smile grows on his face as he watches his own sibling play with our daughter. I place a hand on his knee and he stands up to move to the couch and sit next to Kate.

"This is your Auntie Kate, Gabi." Jake says, looking from his sister to our daughter.

"Auntie?" Kate says, a couple of tears in her eyes and a bright smile on her face.

"Yeah, Auntie. I mean, if that's okay with you. If not that's fine but I sort of thought you would have liked..." Jake explains being to ramble slightly.

"I would love that" Kate says, giving Jake an even bigger hug than earlier and placing a kiss on the top of Gabi's head.

After an hour, Gabi falls asleep in Kate's arms and I take her off her to put Gabi down to bed, leaving Jake and Kate alone. As I feed Gabi, I whisper to her about how happy I am that her Auntie Kate has changed and tell her all about how happy her dad is to have both her and his sister. Like every other day, I end up telling Gabi all about how much her dad loves her and once she finishes feeding she falls asleep within a matter of seconds in her crib.

When I go back downstairs, there's fresh cups of tea on the place mats and Jake is sat back where he originally was, so I curl up against him.

"Why did you want to start over Kate?" Jake asks his sister and I hold my breath slightly, knowing he didn't mean it in a bad way but scared she interpreted it wrong.

"I'm almost 29 and I was living my life being walked all over by Kurt and his children. I want to settle down, have a fresh start and not carry my old reputation as a burden on my shoulders. There's nothing keeping me in Texas, apart from Kurt who I want to get away from, and I can't start over there because he will find me, as will my old lifestyle. I just want to start all over again." She explains.

"Of course, that's understandable. We're always here for you if you ever need anything, even after you've finished staying with us for a couple of months." I say.

The three of us continue talking for a good couple of hours until I can hardly stay awake anymore and almost fall asleep on Jake's shoulder. Kate goes to one of the spare rooms and we can hear her unpacking her suitcase, making Jake happier by the minute.

Before going to sleep, Jake changes and I then feed Gabi. The second Jake and I get into bed he pulls me closer and places a kiss on my head, rubbing his hand up and down my arm.

"May 2021." I whisper to Jake, the both of us half asleep.

He hums in question as a response and I turn in our spoon to face him, a smile on my face. Jake brushes the hair out of my face and takes my hand in his.

"May 2021, that's when I want to get married." I say and Jake kisses me, our foreheads against one another and suddenly neither of us are tired.

{Sorry what is this chapter especially the end... ew I'm sorry my writing has gone downhill. Anyways... opinions on Kate coming back? To be honest I would love for a return of her on the show, even if it's just for an episode}

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