Chapter 9

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Amy's POV

"Jake, we need to leave in ten minutes to get to my moms in time." I say to him as I do the finishing touches on my hair and makeup.

Today is the day. The day of our gender reveal. I'm now 19weeks pregnant and definitely starting to show. I've just started the second trimester of my pregnancy and thankfully my morning sickness is coming to an end.

Jake comes into the room and places a kiss on my head, then wraps his arms around my shoulders. I smile at him through the mirror and instantly his face lights up. He then picks me up bridal style causing me to squeal and giggle slightly, before carefully placing me on the bed and shuffles down to my noticeable bump, the tight dress I'm wearing emphasising it.

"Hey there baby. We get to find out if you're a boy or a girl today, I really hope you're a girl because then you'll get to be as clever and as pretty as your Mummy." Jake says to my bump making me smile and blush at him.

He wriggles back up to me and warps his arms around me, my body melting into him. We stay like that for a while, until a text message alert on my phone pulls us from our paradise and back into reality: which in all honesty is all I could ever wish for.

"Jake we where meant to leave 10minutes ago!" I say laughing slightly, but mostly stressing out: we're late for our own baby shower!

"It's fine Ames, arriving late is arriving in style." He casually says putting his shoes on.

We crack up laughing and I jokingly roll my eyes at him, then we make our way out of the house and into my car. Jake has finally decided to get a new car, but he's not getting rid of his old one so it's staying at his Mom's, although this new car is still being processed. The whole drive is filled with baby talk and when we arrive we're taken aback by the amount of people there.

Everyone is wearing the clothes the colour they think the baby is going to be - blue for a boy and pink for a girl. Captain Holt, Gina, Jake's parents, my Dad, Scully and Terry all have something blue on, whilst Rosa, Charles, my Mom, and Hitchcock each have something pink incorporated into their outfit. Jake is wearing a salmon pink polo shirt because he is certain it's a girl, whilst I'm wearing a white dress as I'm completely torn.

Instead of bringing a gift for the baby, we have asked everyone to bring a book for the baby to sign, so when the baby is older they have books and notes off those who care about them. We end up with so many books and decide that later we are going to read through them, as well as add a book and a message off the two of us.

I begin to get hungry and obviously baby wants to eat, so we open up the buffet. Jake laughs as I immediate fill my plate and he just stands there watching, as usually it is the other way round.

"I'm eating for two so it's allowed." I say laughing.

"Well I'm eating for me soooo." Jake replies jokingly as he fills his plate as well.

Everyone is talking and I'm in a conversation with Rosa and Gina, when I feel a little kick in my stomach. I smile like an idiot and almost scream with joy, close to telling Rosa and Gina about the baby moving. However I restrain myself from doing so and pull Jake out of the conversation he's having with my parents.

"Jake, Jake, Jake!" I squeal like a child pulling him out of the room and upstairs to my childhood bedroom.

"What's up Ames?"

"Take a guess!" I tease.

"Erm, you ju..." Jake starts before I cut him off.

"The baby just kicked!" I exclaim.

"Really? That's amazing babes. I'm so excited for our baby, he or she is going to be perfect." He tells me before kneeling down to kiss my bump.

We pull each other into one another's embrace and hold onto each other tightly, grateful for everything we have. Jake gives me a peck on the lips, before hearing Rosa calling us from downstairs.

"You ready to find out if we're having a mini you or a mini me?" Jake asks me.

I smile as an answer, before leading us both back downstairs and into the back garden, where everyone else currently waits for us. Thankfully it's not raining so we can have the gender reveal outside.

The two of us go and stand under a box, which is hanging off a tree, and get told on the count of ten to open it. Charles got one of the weekend precinct people to fill it with confetti and balloons the colour of the baby's gender.


Here we go, boy or girl.


Jake squeezes my hand for reassurance as I smile at him.


I hope the box doesn't fall out of the tree.


Jake gives me a peck on the lips and then hugs me gently.


I, Amy Santiago, am going to find out if my baby's a boy or girl.


Jake and I are having a baby together, the love of my life.


Can they hurry up, the suspense is killing me.


I am going to be extremely happy either way, as long as my baby is happy and healthy, that's all I care about.


I watch my mom wipe away a tear, making me come to the verge of crying.


{hey guys so I want to update before my mum takes my phone away from me for two months. Basically she's pissed at me for everything that's happened at school n stuff, but if I get a chance I will upload when I can. Anyways, sorry to leave it on the worst cliff hanger but comment your predictions and some baby names!}

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