Chapter 25

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Amy's POV

"Good morning baby." I say to Gabi as I lift her out of her cot.

It's 7am, around one of the more consistent times she's been waking up for the past week, and I walk over to Gabi in hope of stopping her crying. She sucks her thumb and, as we've learnt, I realise she's hungry so begin to feed her.

Jake slowly wakes up and props himself up on our bed, smiling at the two of us. Once I've burped Gabi, I carry her over to our bed and hand her over to Jake, who lies her on his chest as her eyes flutter between open and closed. All three of us just lie there, Jake and I just talking.

"Babe, the squad wants to come and see us at some point today, as long as you're okay with that."

"What? Jake the house is a mess, we have takeout from like two nights ago still out and I haven't had a shower in days because I've been so busy with Gabi. We have baby grows and blankets everywhere. What are they going to think of us?" I ramble.

"Ames, you had a baby a week ago - I think the squad won't mind - and you live with me so that's another exception."

I giggle at Jake's comment and stop spiralling, but decide that I should probably take a shower. Jake promises to watch Gabi and I trust him, however the whole shower think about her, as the past week she's been within my eyesight practically every second.

When I get out and put my dressing gown on, I walk into our bedroom to find Jake with Gabi still on his chest, talking to her. I rest my head on the door frame and don't make any noise, Jake continues talking oblivious of my presence.

"You're very lucky to have Amy Santiago as you Mommy. She's very very pretty, not to mention how incredibly smart she is. I would never admit this to her, but she's at least a million times smarter than me, so I hope you have her brains. She's the kindest person you will ever meet and she will always be there for you, just like I will. Your Mommy is... Oh Ames, I didn't realise you were there. How much did you hear?" Jake says cutting off when he looks up and sees me.

"I heard enough to know you're almost as madly in love with me, as I am with you. Oh ye and that you think I'm smarter than you." I say smirking.

"Nah, I love you more." He argues jokingly.

"Doubt it babe... ah!" I exclaim as Jake throws one of the many bed pillows at me.

I consider throwing it back but decide not too as Gabi is sound asleep on his chest, but instead crawl back into bed next to the two of them. I wrap my arms around one of Jake's and rest my head on his shoulder, just looking at our daughter.

"She's perfect." Jake says, practically reading my mind.

We stay in our perfect little world for a while, before I decide to get changed out of my robe into something appropriate for when the squad arrive. As soon as I'm dressed, Gabi begins to  cry so I change her diaper and soon she's asleep again.

I lie her down in her bassinet, then begin to quickly tidy the house, whilst Jake is our shopping for some food and snacks. By the time he arrives home, it's only half an hour before the squad said they're due to arrive, but knowing Captain Holt always being punctual and Charles' obsession they will be at least fifteen minutes early.

Jake and I finish placing some crisps and nuts on the table just as the doorbell goes, Jake goes to answer it as I pick Gabi out of her bassinet to soothe her. Everyone makes their way through and quietly fuss over Gabi, even Rosa has a smile on her face as she watches my daughter, her goddaughter, sleep.

Everyone begins to talk, as Rosa holds Gabi in her arms. After about half an hour of Gabi sleeping, she begins to cry so I get up to take her off Rosa, but Rosa rocks her from side to side. Soon Gabi's cries begin to soften and Rosa begins to pull faces at her, blowing raspberries and grinning.

Rosa seems to be in her own world and doesn't pay attention to the fact that everyone in the room is watching her. She continues to fuss over Gabi, then looks up at all of us, a large smile on her face.

"What, I might be Rosa, but I still love babies." She says making us all laugh slightly.

Everyone stays for a while and once they've left, Gabi is back asleep. Jake and I are cuddling on the couch and watching some TV, when a wedding dress commercial comes on the screen.

"When do you want to get married Ames?" Jake asks, breaking the comfortable silence.

"I want to wait until Gabi can walk, I'd love for her to be able to walk down the isle before or after me." I say, smiling at the image in my head.

"My two favourite people." Jake says placing a kiss on my forehead and the two of us fall back into silence.

{sorry it's been so long since I last uploaded. I love feedback from my readers on all of my chapters so please leave some comments. Also thank you for 18k views and over 500votes... what?!}

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