Chapter 2

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Amy's POV

I wake up and look at my alarm clock, the bright light blinding me with the digits '5:17am'. I almost inaudibly groan at how much of an early start my day has took and sat there staring at the ceiling in pitch black, not wanting to wake Jake who still has his arms wrapped around me protectively.

After a while of thinking, I feel nausea rip through my whole body and with my best attempt to not wake Jake, I jump out of bed and with that his embrace and into the small en-suite bathroom. I bring up the little food I have left in me, since I haven't ate since yesterday, but as I'm doing so I feel my hair being pulled back and out of my face.

Once I no longer feel as though I am going to throw up everywhere, I turn around to Jake and cuddle into him. He soothes me and wipes the couple of tears that have found a way to slip down my cheeks.

"I'm sorry." I whisper to him.

"Babes there's nothing to be sorry for." He assures me.

"No it's not fair on you, it's not even six in the morning and I've woken you up. You don't need to help me you know, I'll be okay." I apologise.

"There's no chance I'm leaving you, come on let's get you back to bed you're taking the day off work and I don't care how much you refused I'm not letting you go in." He tells me, not allowing anything else.

He carries me back through to our bedroom and places the cover over me. I give Jake a confused look as he puts his gown over him and I hear him walk down the stairs. Not long later he comes back up with a stack of movies and a hot drink for me.

"Might as well get a good start to an early day?" He says, making me smile at his goofiness.

Once he places a romantic comedy into the DVD player he slips under the covers with me and his arms are once again wrapped protectively around me. I place my head on his chest and place one arm onto his shoulder.

It doesn't take long for the movie to finish and the time begins pushing 7:30, the time when we usually begin to start our day. Jake gets out of bed and when I do the same, in hope he's forgotten what he said before, he sends me straight back and placings blanket upon blanket on top of the duvet.

I lie in bed and go through my phone, when he brings me my favourite breakfast, pancakes and fruit salad - even though according to Jake the fruit ruins the pancakes. I thank him and as he goes in for a kiss on the lips I remind him of the cold, but refuses to leave me with a kiss on the forehead and says he doesn't care if he gets ill, as long as I'm okay.

Throughout the day I watch a couple of movies and finally the time I had been waiting for all day arrived: 7pm when Jake will arrive home. Usually he gets home at 5pm but he's working on a big case at the moment so has to stay longer.

The second I hear the keys in the lock, I jump out of bed, slip on my robe and place my feet in my slippers before rushing off downstairs. As soon as he shuts the door I throw myself into his arms and he lifts me off the floor.

Thankful for the MacDonalds he got on the way home for me, we both sit up in bed and eat it, one of the Harry Potter movies on in the background as I ask him how the day at the precinct was. Apparently Hitchcock and Scully tripped over a chair and broke it because they both wanted the last slice of cake.

We got to sleep reasonable early, since we woke up so early this morning, like the night before with Jakes arms wrapped around me clutching onto me as if I might disappear.

Once again I wake up too early for my liking, at just gone half past five but this morning an instant sense of sickness rushes over me straight away and despite my attempts to not wake Jake again at such an early time he gets up as I dash into the bathroom. I bring up my whole MacDonalds and my stomach instantly feels empty once again, Jake pulling my hair back and keep keeping it there with a hair bobble as I do so.

I apologise all over again just like I did yesterday, but like yesterday he doesn't accept it and carries me back through to bed. We snuggle up just enjoying each other's presence, my head resting on his chest feeling the rise and fall as he breaths, whilst Jake plays with stands of my hair.

The time passes quickly and before we know it, our alarm clock goes off. We both get out of bed to get ready for work, but as soon as Jake sees me pick out my work clothes he picks me up and carries me back to bed.

"And where do you think you're going? There's not a chance I'm letting you go into work if your still unwell." Jake states.

"But I need to go in, all my cases are going to build up and I'm going to have so much paperwork." I say trying to come up with an excuse.

"This is coming from the person who loves paper work the most, I'll bring you some to do during my lunch hour." He bargains with me placing a kiss on my forehead.

I fall for his persuasion and agree with him, getting back into bed and turning on my phone. Jake continues to get ready and as he does so I admire his body, the perfectly sculpted abs and muscles. He smirks at me when he realises my eyes are attached to him, making me blush and giggle.

Just before Jake leaves he brings up my breakfast for me, porridge with a plate of fruit next to it. I thank him before giving him a peck on the lips and with that he leaves for work.

Almost the minute I finish my breakfast, the urge to throw up overcomes me and I instantly run to the bathroom and bring it all back up. I groan as I place my head in my hands, a new piercing headache ripping through my head.

Once I feel slightly less queasy I make my way back through to bed, pulling the covers over and a curling up in a small ball. Time goes by as I just flick through some photos on my phone, the majority of them of Jake and me, before the doorbell goes and I have to get out of bed.

Quickly I throw on my dressing gown and slip on my slippers, before making my way downstairs. I look out of the window to see Rosa's car parked out side and her waiting at the door.

"Look, we need to talk," she tells me the minute I open the door and immediately I fear the worse, somethings happened to Jake...

{ooooh a cliffhanger... jk jk i'll probably upload again like at the weekend soooo. anyway, i really hope this book does well because i'm putting so much time and dedication into it, so it would really mean a lot. besides that, how would you feel about some time skips? just a thought and i would like to know your opinions on it?}

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