Chapter 12

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Amy's POV

Gina and I watch as the rest of the squad drive off, before she goes to her desk with her feet up to do, well whatever Gina really does. Due to the night squad being in (their Captain doesn't have an assistant, so Gina doesn't share a desk), I don't have my desk, so I go into the break room and try to just sit down.

I sit on my phone, scrolling through nursery designs, however I soon find myself scrolling through my camera roll and the thousands of photos of me and Jake. Soon I find myself pacing around the small room and biting my nails: my new habit after I stopped my guilty cigarettes.

Not being there with the squad makes me so anxious, I don't know what's happening or if everyone's okay. I look over at Gina and envy how calm and relaxed she is, yet she is left here all the time when we go out: I guess it's just something I'm going to have to get used to.

After about an hour of waiting and not hearing anything from anyone, even though I knew it would be unlikely for me to, I loose my patience and go to Gina.

"How are you staying so calm?" I ask her, approaching her desk.

"About what? Oh the squad being gone? Eh, I barely even noticed." She tells me and I glare at her. "Ughhh fine. It's like hell okay, I hate it when the squad go out it scares me so much. I get humiliated by the night squad though whenever I act afraid or worries."

"What if something happens to someone?"

"Come on, let's go to the break room, eat our feelings out and talk." Gina tells me, dragging me to the room behind her.

Gina gets some ice cream from the small freezer we have below the fridge and I get some donuts that were brought in for the night squad - what we need them more. The two of us sit on the couch, I let Gina start by telling me what she does whenever the squad go out, alongside her worries.

She tells me how she will pretty much vent to anyone in the precinct when we're out. Apparently she once got so desperate that she even began to talk to one of the janitors, which is shocking as I thought she would have texted someone, but whatever.

"I'm scared for everyone on the squad. Hitchcock and Scully have been here for so long, but they're getting old what if something happens to them. The Captain is so selfless, but this precinct is only where it is today because of him. And the Sargent, he has three little girls who look up to him. Charles has Nikolaj who is so dependent on him. Rosa is one of my closest friends, but she's stupidly fearless. And Jake. What would I do without him? He's the father of my child, my fiancé, the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. What if something happens to him? He's always there for me, he tackled a murder to save my life and I was unharmed. When I saved his life, he ended up getting shot in the leg... by me! I don't want to be a single mother and for our daughter to never meet her father. He's just perfect. He knows how to put a smile on my face, how to cheer me up even on the dullest of days. He's my everything." I say, spiralling out of control.

Gina just smiles sympathetically at me, then pulls me in for a hug.

"No sarcastic comment?" I ask when we pull away.

"Amy, you're madly in love with Jake, like head over heals in love with him. I'm not making fun of you because I know what it's like to be fearing the worst when the squad go out. I look at us all as one big, very confusing, but loving family. I've known Jake since we were children, he will be fine. This is Jake we're talking about." She reassures me.

I thank her, before the two of us go onto gossiping about the uniformed officers in the precinct - something I rarely do. Gina keeps my attention, to stop me from spiraling again.

However, when we hear the captain of the night squad announce something to everyone in the bullpen, it gets our attention and the two of us go out to listen to his announcement.

"As you all know the day squad have all gone on a major drug bust to get a supplier, but they need back up ASAP. One of them is injured and they need more people there." He says.

I zone out after that sentence, even though he continues to drone on. Gina and I turn to one another, our faces as white as a ghost.

{hey guys! So usually I wouldn't upload this close to one another my posts if you get what I mean. But it's Valentine's Day and my boyfriend dumped me for my (now ex) best friend so ye. Anyways hoping to write quite a lot but gcse pressure is getting to me. Thanks for all the reads though!}

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