Chapter 6

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Amy's POV

My alarm clock goes off beside me and for once it gets to wake me up before my morning sickness does. I sigh heavily as I realise it's Monday all over again, but a smile grows on my face when I realise it's the day of my appointment.

Jake and I have told everyone at the precinct that my cousin is in town, so we're going for afternoon drinks with her and her family, then depending on what time we finish we might be able to come back into work. In reality we're going to the doctors for our first appointment and then, if we want to, going out for a meal just the two of us after.

After a while of just lying in bed, I gently wake Jake with a kiss on the lips and a smile grows on his face as his eyes slowly open. We spend sometime just lying in bed, enjoying each other's presence and not having to worry about the world around us.

My second alarm goes off, alerting us that we have to get out of bed unless we want to be late for work. I roll out of bed and have to practically pull Jake out after me as he's so reluctant to leave our perfect little world. We both get ready and after doing all that needs to be done head out of the house and to work, my morning sickness being minimal this morning.

When we get to work we have our morning briefing and like we suspected, Charles begins to interrogate us as to what we did during his week holiday. We successfully lie to his face and thankfully he doesn't suspect anything about my pregnancy. He falls for it and begins to limit the questions.

The day seems to be dragging by, but by lunch the minimal amount of morning sickness was soon made up for and as soon as I finish my lunch it's all brought back up again. Like every other time my morning sickness hits a work, Rosa checks on me and then I meet Jake in the evidence room, however today I make sure to be extra careful.

"You okay babe?" Jake asks me as he enters the room.

"It will all be worth it in the end, we get our own little bundle of joy. Besides, how did you even get here without Charles asking any questions?" I ask confused as to how Jake managed to get past him and his obsession with us.

"Thanks to Rosa, she distracted him by asking him a question about which cheese is best for her sandwich. She really couldn't be less bothered if she tried, but she did it so I could get to you."

I smile at her generosity and almost bring up the topic of godparents, but decide to leave as I know if I do we will be in here for hours. As we make out way back through, usually we just wait a couple of minutes and the other will follow, but today Jake takes a whole different route so we enter from opposite sides of the room.

When I sit down I finish off typing up the case I was doing, then grab my phone and making my way out with Jake: obviously Charles nags is as we leave. The two of us make our way back home and I get changed into some leggings with a jumper, whilst Jake gets out of his work clothes into something more comfortable, before we leave to go to the doctors.

Once we arrive and sign in, we wait in the waiting area, sat down next to each other, with my hand holding onto his tightly and my head resting on his shoulder. Every time a doctor comes out to announce a patient my heart skips a beat, however when they call me up I'm pretty sure my heart skipped a whole minute worth of beats.

Shakily, we follow the doctor through to the room and I sit on the bed, my jumper rolled up to above my stomach as requested. Jake doesn't sit in his seat, but instead comes and stands next to me, clutching onto my shaking hands. A cold gel makes me shiver as it's rubbed across my slightly swollen stomach and we watch the screen eagerly.

When a picture begins to show up on the screen Jake and I give each other the biggest smile, as the doctor begins the find the baby's heartbeat.

"That's our baby!" I whisper excitedly to Jake as a tear slips down my cheek.

"It sure is." He replies

"You're currently 10 weeks pregnant, so your baby's about the size of a prune. We can give you an approximate due date of the end of July, but if you come back to us in four weeks we can give you a more precise date and then in eight weeks we can see if we can find out the gender of your baby." The doctor explains.

A smile grows on my face, likewise on Jake's. The photo of our baby is printed off for us and we get a couple of copies, before thanking the doctor and making our way home. When we get in, we curl up on a couch together, my craving for the day being a Chinese, as a movie plays in the background the two of us just talk.

"Jake I was thinking, who do we want to be our babies godparents? What about your sister?" I ask him.

"After the last time she visited us, erm no thank you. We need someone who we trust, for both a godmother and godfather. As godfather what about one of you brothers?" He replies, scoffing slightly at my statement which in all honesty I probably deserved.

"Jake, I have 7 brothers... imagine trying to pick just one, it would end in a disaster. What about Rosa as the godmother? She was first to know about my pregnancy and I know that I can trust her?" I suggest.

"Yes, why didn't I think of her. Wait... who will want to be godfather more than anyone?" Jake asks me and I immediately know who he's thinking.

"Charles." We both say at the same time, making us burst out in laughter.

The two of us continue to talk about my pregnancy and discuss how we're going to tell everyone at the precinct the next day.

When we finally come up with a way to tell everyone, the two of us head upstairs and fall asleep in each other's embrace, excited and nervous for our colleagues reactions tomorrow.

"I love you Ames." Jake whispers into my ear as he holds me close, my eyes drifting shut.

{Thought I would update before I go back to school tomorrow. Anyways going to try and write as often as I can but it's hard as my school give me a ridiculous amount of work}

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