Chapter 22

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Amy's POV

I roll over and look at my alarm clock next to my bed, the red lights glaring at me to remind me that being 39 weeks pregnant means you wake up in the middle of the night. When I process that's it's quarter to three in the morning and it's barely been an hour since I was last awake I groan.

It takes a harsh kick off the baby to remind me why I'm awake and I climb out of bed and waddle through to the bathroom. It takes me much less time as it did to get there, to dash from the bathroom back into my bed and get under the covers, shuffling closer to Jake and falling back asleep.

I'm next awake at half past five in the morning - an hour before my alarm if I'm at work. A sharp pain in my stomach makes me sit upright, then get out of bed, when I'm met with a gush of water down my legs and an immediate puddle below me.

"Jake! Jake wake up. Jake!" I say, reaching over the bed and shaking him in an attempt to wake him.

I get a half-a-sleep hmmm off him in response and I continue to shake him.

"Jake! My waters just broken. We need to go to the ho..." I say before my sentence if cut short, a contraction making me wince in pain. "We need to go to the hospital now."

Jake jumps out of bed straight away and dashes around to the other side so he's next to me, grabbing my hand and helping me through my contraction.

"Right, Babe I'm going to get changed and then I'll help you because you're very wet..." he says before I interrupt.

"Title of your sex tape." I cut in making him smirk.

"Fair enough." He says and I laugh slightly, or well as much as I can through a contraction and minimal sleep.

"You get changed and pack yourself a bag and I'll do the same."

"Ames, you focus on getting yourself changed and I'll get the bags sorted okay?"

I nod and begin getting changed into a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt (knowing I will be given a hospital gown), then throw my hair into a ponytail. Jake crams some clothes into a bag, along with some toiletries and whilst usually the way he's doing it would make me shiver, right now I couldn't care less.

"You ready?" He asks me, picking up the bag and wrapping an arm around me to help me downstairs.

The car journey to the hospital feels like it takes forever - when in reality it only took 20minutes - and when we get the hospital Jake jumps out and helps me get out.

We get given a room and settle in nicely, a couch against one wall (which Jake is already lying across), my bed and an empty cot all clean and ready for our baby's arrival.

"Babe, do you wanna let Holt know you won't be in today?" I ask Jake.

"Ames, you do know it's a Saturday?"

I feel myself turn a bright shade of red and the two of us laugh at how for me the days have recently merged into one.

"The squad said they'll come whenever you want them to, Rosa has asked if you want her to come now or sometime whenever?"

"Tell her she can come now - just don't let Charles know or else he will lose it." I say laughing slightly.

It surprises me that Rosa is so eager, usually she's the last person to volunteer for something but throughout my pregnancy she's been really supportive and involved - I can tell she's going to be a great godmother.

About half an hour later, Rosa arrives and when she enters she engulfs me in a hug (strange for Rosa but not going to say anything). She sits at the end of my hospital bed and the two of us just talk, Jake almost asleep on the couch.

Rosa plaits my hair into two braids for me to keep it off my face and then the two of us continue to talk, mostly about baby things and Jake butts in about how much I've 'baby proofed' the house. This results in the three of us laughing and Rosa's inserts a witty comment about me not just having to 'baby proof' it for the baby but also for Jake.

Just after we finish our hysterical laughing, my hardest contraction yet hits and I grab Jakes' hand to squeeze and help me through the pain. When the doctor comes back in to check if I have dilated anymore, Rosa leaves the room and we're told that I'm currently 5cm dilated so get offered an epidural, which I refuse, and get told I'm making good progress.

Jake messages our parents to let them know what's happening and almost instantly we get a respond off the both expressing their excitement and telling us how they're making their way to the hospital. We then update the squad group chat, as almost everyone is awaiting an update (apart from Hitchcock and Scully who as per usual are clueless to what's happening). Then we put it on my family group chat - which has all of my brothers and all of their wives and fiancées on - to let them know what's happening and they all reply with good luck wishes and requests for updates when possible.

It doesn't take long for my next contraction to come around and when it does I immediately regret not taking the opportunity for an epidural and Rosa goes to get the doctor, before she wishes us both luck and leaves the hospital, with promises of returning later.

"Too stubborn for your own good sometimes." Jake mumbles into my ear, which earns him a slap on the arm off me.

"You're one to speak." I say, to which Jake smirks.

A couple more hours pass and after some more observations off the doctor, I'm finally fully dilated and wheeled through to the delivery room, which is just through a connecting door. Our parents (or well my mom and dad and Jake's mom) follow anxiously behind and wish us final words of luck as we go in.

A strong contraction hits me and Jake grabs my hand whilst softly stroking my head in a somewhat attempt to ease the pain.

"Ames, is there anything I can do for you?" Jake asks and I smile at his generosity.

"I just need you to be here for me." I say.

"I'll be here for you no matter what, forever and always." He promises me.

I take a deep breath as a stronger contraction hits in a shorter amount of time from the last one and I already know these next few hours will be the hardest yet most rewarding hours of my life.

{Guys, I'm so sorry about how long it's been since I last updated... I don't have an excuse but I have had my exams recently - in all honesty I haven't revised for one - so been up the walls with that.
Anyways almost finished with the next chapter so hopefully not long till that's uploaded!
Let me know your thoughts on this book in general because I love getting feedback and most of all ways to improve.}

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