Chapter 7

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Amy's POV

Unfortunately this morning, my morning sickness beats my alarm clock and wakes me up much earlier than I would like. I jump out of bed and rush to the bathroom, closely follows by Jake behind me.

"Baby Peraltiago seems to know it's their big day today, telling everyone at work." I say grinning as I wash my face.

Jake laughs at me and gives me a hug from behind, taking me by surprise at first but the my body melts into his. I'm going to miss our little secret, only one other person knows I'm pregnant, yet after today so many people will know.

At that moment of time I realise we haven't told the most important people yet : our parents. A sense of worry and fear rushes over me and I don't know how we should tell them, or when. Jake notices my fear and I can tell he immediately knows that it's about telling our parents, a topic the both of us have avoided so far.

"Ames, we can have them over for dinner later and tell them, okay? Right now though we need to get ready for work and stop at dunkin doughnuts on the way." He reassures me.

I smile at him, then place a kiss on his lips before doing through to get changed out of my pyjamas into my work clothes. We leave the house earlier than usual and change our route to work slightly, so we can stop at dunkin donuts.

We order 3 boxes of a dozen donuts and then some breakfast for the two of us, which quickly goes as we finish the drive to work. As planned we arrive before everyone else and a couple of people from the night squad are still there and some of the cleaners, but non of our squad are there yet. Before anyone arrives, we glue one of our ultra sound copies to the inside lid of one of the boxes and beside it write out note. To make sure no one sees our surprise we stack the boxes under my desk, just in time as well as Captain Holt walks into the precinct the minute I place the last box on the top.

He says morning to us both, before going into his office. One by one, everyone else arrives and soon the precinct is the loud and welcoming place it usually is. We all meeting in the briefing room for our morning briefing and get told that there's not many cases open at the minute, but there is a lot of pick pocketing on the streets.

Jake asks everyone to come around one of the front tables after Captain Holt dismisses them all, as I grab the boxes of donuts from under my desk. I place them in a row of three and I open up one of the end boxes as Jake opens up the other end box, reviving confused looks of our co-workers, but a smirk off Rosa. Then together we pull up the lid of the middle box and they all look at what's on the inside lid.

Alongside a picture of my ultrasound is a message to everyone.

' Eat up! Amy doesn't want to be the only one with a belly

Baby Peraltiago coming July 2019 '

"Whatttt?!" Charles screams before anyone else has the chance to react.

Thankfully Rosa is behind him, to catch him as he almost faints in his fit of obsession. Everyone else on the squad ignores him, knowing it's an obvious reaction to receive off him.

"Congratulations Detective Santiago and Detective Peralta" Captain Holt says to us, a smile tugging at each side on his mouth.

"Congrats Peraltiago." Gina says giving us both a hug and the satisfaction of her taking her eyes off her phone.

"I'm happy for you both." Terry says wrapping his arms around the both of us.

"Congratulations." Hitchcock and Scully mumble as donuts fall out of their mouths.

"The secret was killing me." Rosa admits laughing slightly and I thank her for keeping quiet.

"Tell me everything!!!" Charles shouts, reminding me of his reaction when we first told him we kissed.

"Well you see Charles, when two adults love each other..." Jake starts making everyone laugh and getting a gentle slap in the arm off me.

"Santiago, what about your goal to become the youngest Captain?" Sergeant Jeffords asks and I already know that Jake fears he's ruined my life plans as for as long as he's known me that's been my goal.

"I've always been so focused on work and I've realised that if I want to enjoy life to it's full potential then I need to take a step back from work and get myself more involved with my personal life ... despite that usually involving the majority of my colleagues. I'm not going to apply to be a sergeant, at least not right away. Jake and I are starting a family and that's all I could want in life, I'm still going to be a detective but family is taking priority for me from now on." I say confidently, knowing that it's what I want.

Jake plants a peck on my lips and soon everyone is back at their desks and despite me knowing their eyes are on us, Charles pulls his chair right up to our desk and moves his stare from myself to Jake and then back to me again. After a while of working like that, I realise how impossible it is to have my full attention on my work and nudge Jake's leg under the table, who clearly is finding Charles slightly over obsessive as well.

"Charles can we help you?" Jake asks taking his eyes from his computer.

"I want details, everything!" Charles replies.

"Charles I told you before, when two people love each other..." Jake says and laughter erupts through the precinct.

"Jake" I warn jokingly. "I'm currently around 10 weeks pregnant and we're going back in just less than a month to get a more accurate due date. We can get told the gender in 8 weeks, but we're undecided whether or not we want to find out. Jake is refusing to let me do any physical work from now until when the baby is born, so any cases that require such things will have to be passed around the precinct."

Everyone agrees with my last statement and Jake gives me a sweet smile from across our desks, one which makes sparks fly through my body.

"So, how long have you known and how did you find out you were preggos?" Gina asks, joining the growing crowd around our desks.

"Erm well I found out about a week ago on one of the days I was off sick. Rosa came over in her lunch out and persuaded me to take a test, then reassured me everything would be okay." I say smiling at her thankfully.

Everyone keeps asking questions and in all honesty I'm not too surprised as before barely any were asked. The only people left to tell are our families now, more specifically our parents... who haven't even met yet.

{Ughhh. My first week back at school was shit, so much drama and got into a ton of trouble with teachers n stuff}

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