Chapter 15

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Amy's POV

I'm woken up by my alarm clock like every other Thursday morning, however the absence of Jake and the cold bed sheets immediately make my heart sink. A solitary tear slips down my cheek as I recall the events of the day before, from my fiancé being injured to him not remembering who I am.

Knowing I will have to make do with the mere 3 hours sleep I got the night before, I slip my robe on and make my way downstairs. As I approach the kitchen the smell of tea brewing hits me and when I open the door into the kitchen I'm welcomed with a smile off Rosa.

She had decided to stay in the guest bedroom overnight, as it was almost 3am when we arrived home, and she refused to leave me alone after everything that had happened. I'm handed a mug, then the two of us then go through to sit down and Rosa clearly tries to keep my attention off Jake.

"I'm going to see him today." I state, in the middle of a silence. "From when visiting times begin, to when visiting times end."

"Amy are you sure that's okay? Yesterday he..." she stops half way through her sentence not wanting to upset me any further than necessary.

"He couldn't remember who I was. Yes I know, but that's all the more reason to spend time with him and help him." I tell her trying to sound confident, but really on the inside I was breaking.

We go off to get ready and I get into leggings and a jumper, knowing my work outfit would not be needed as I won't be going in today. I thank Rosa for everything and she makes her way back to her apartment to get ready for her working day.

It's only when I check the calendar do I realise I'm meant to have a check up on the baby today. Fortunately, I'm in very good health and so is our baby, so I rearrange the appointment for the same time next week, knowing that Jake will want to be there if he has been discharged.

The whole car journey to the hospital I struggle to focus on the road as a million questions jump through my mind. When I arrive the same nurse who was there last night, as Rosa held my arm as we walked out me in tears, was still working her shift and gave me a sympathetic look, for it had been a mere 7 hours since we left.

She smiles softly and leads me to Jakes room, not saying anything just walking in front of me the whole way. I whisper her a thank you as we go out separate ways. I peer through the window of the door to see Jake sleeping, and I quietly let myself in not wanting to wake him up.

I sit in the arm chair next to his bed and just watch him as he sleeps, his chest raising and falling slowly. He uncurls out of the ball he's a asleep in, something he always does as he's waking up, and attempts to sit up whilst opening his eyes: not even noticing me next to him.

His arm struggles to hold the weight of his body as drips dig into the veins and I quickly stand up to make sure he's okay.

"Jake, don't hurt yourself, here let me help you." I say, offering my hand and using the remote to raise the bed.

"Thanks. I'm so confused, about everything." He says, look around the room, then back at me.

"Well, you went out last night on a drug bust and the person you were catching, Melanie Hawkins, knocked you out. You're probably confused because apparently you are going to suffer memory loss, but I am going to do everything I can to help you."

"Where you there when it happened?" He asks, and it makes my heart shatter as it confirms my concerns of him forgetting about my pregnancy, but I just shake my head in response. "How come?"

"You wouldn't let me come because..." I say stopping mid sentence wondering wether to tell him or not.


"Erm, because I sprained my ankle the day before and you didn't want me to hurt myself." I lie, which kills me inside.

He looks at me strangely, but just nods his head, almost as if he knows I'm lying but he's unsure about what. Jake gives me a soft smile and sparks fly through my body, hope that he's slowly remembering me: this is something I don't have a binder for.

"This is going to sound really stupid." He says, but I nod at him, my way of telling him to continue. "And I don't want to upset you." He continues which makes my heart sink "but do you mind explaining just everything to me. Who everyone is, where I am, all of that stuff?"

I smile gently, glad to know that he's willing to put in the work to restore his memory. He shuffles over in his bed carefully, then pats the space next to him indicating for me to sit next to him, so I do so. Like we would do at home, he wraps his arm around me and I place my head in the crook of his neck, giving me a sense of security I have missed.

"Where do you want me to start?" I ask.

"Start with those who saw me yesterday." He tells me, stroking my arm making me smile.

"Well, when you woke up there was me, Charles and Rosa by your bedside. Charles is your best friend and he would do absolutely anything for you, also he's very obsessed with us. He has a little boy called Nikolaj, now if you don't pronounce it right he will be quick to correct you. As for Rosa, she's a daredevil, but would put anyone before herself. She will act like she's a tough cookie but beneath it all she's as soft as a marshmallow..." I tell Jake, knowing I will be here for a while: not that I'm complaining.

{Okay so I'm sorry for not uploading for so long but ye.
Anyways I would love like tons of baby names, the more the better!
Also thank you so much for 4K reads!}

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