Chapter 8

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Jake's POV

"Ames, how does the chicken go into the oven?" I ask my girlfriend as she chops the carrots next to me.

"It goes the other way." She tells me and I mentally face plant myself as she laughs at me.

We've decided that we're going to tell our parents about the pregnancy after the meal, after all this is their first time meeting and we want to see how the get along with the talk of a grandchild as a main topic of conversation. The two of us finish off preparing the chicken, then go through to sit on a couch, my arm protectively wrapped around my girl. Just as we get comfortable the doorbell goes off and both of us groan as we stand up.

Quickly, we make our way to the front door and as we suspected Amy's parents are stood there with a bottle of wine and bouquet of flowers for the both of us. They're welcomed into the house and Amy talks with her mum as she arranging the flowers, whilst Amy's father brings up the football - a topic I never though I would hear him talk about but I'm not going to complain.

Having met Amy's parents on multiple occasions and Amy meeting my parents a couple of times before it's fine having a conversation like this, it's when we have them all together we're dreading what will happen.

Not long later, the doorbell goes again, Amy and I excuse ourselves to answer it as Amy's parents sit in the lounge together. We take a minutes breather before preparing ourselves for what will either be heaven or hell.

Standing on the other side of the door is my parents holding a bottle of wine and a box of chocolates, both of them wearing big smiles and thankfully a semi-smart outfit. Amy's face lights up at the box of chocolates making me chuckle to myself, before welcoming them in and taking their jackets off them.

We walk through with them and sit them down with Amy's parents, before excusing ourselves to do some last minute arrangements with dinner. I give my girl a reassuring hug and we prepare ourselves to see the outbreak of world war three between our parents when we re-enter the room.

Instead, when we walk our mothers are having a conversation about their christmas and our fathers talking about the weather. Amy and I discreetly high five ourselves and smirk to one another, myself going off to join in with one of the conversations.

"Dinner is ready!" Amy announces after a while and I silently let out a breath of relief for it all going smoothly.

All of us make our way through to sit down, so we can eat, and surprisingly, our moms sit together, likewise our dads do leaving the two of us to sit together. At first the conversations are very separated, but by the end of the dinner we're all contributing to one whole group conversation: exactly what Amy and I wanted.

Just before we serve dessert, Amy briefly leaves the room to set up the announcement, as I start to slice the apple crumble she made earlier. Not long later, my girl comes back through with a smile on her face and we serve dinner, receiving multiple compliments from everyone around the table.

"We did a good job babe" Ames whispers next to me.

"More like you did." I tell her smiling softly.

Soon dinner is finished and we clear away the plates, leading our parents back through to sit down on the couches again. The two of us watch their faces fill with confusion and then light up as they realise what's on the single sofa.

A big stitch teddy (Lilo and Stitch is Amy's favourite Disney movie, and has been since she was been a child) has a sign resting on it which says:
'ohana means family
ours begins July 2019'
And then one of our ultrasound pictures below it.

"Amy are you?" Her mom asks walking up to Ames, reviving a nod off her in response.

The room fills with congratulations, followed by what must be a million questions. Amy and I grin at each other, glad we recieved the happy response off our parents as we hoped. All goes well until they bring up baby names - a topic Amy and I have avoided so far - and soon there's a thin layer of tension covering the air.

"Mom..." Amy and I both warm our mothers, as our fathers just watch.

"Sorry sweetie," Amy's Mom says.

"Sorry Amy," my Mom continues.

The conversation settles down once again, thankfully, and before we know it it's pushing 9pm and our parents are thanking us for a great night, but obviously not without reminding us to stay in contact about the pregnancy.

As soon as we shut the door on them, the both of us let out a huge sigh of relief and I carry Ames up to our room, curling up in bed with her holding her tight in my embrace.

"It went well then." She says laughing slightly.

"I thought it would have gone a lot worse and at least one glass smashed, but that was practically perfect." I admit, planting kisses on her head between every word at the end of the sentence.

"I mean they got slightly heated over baby names, which we've not even discussed yet."

"Don't worry about that for now, we can come up with a list tomorrow and throughout your pregnancy we can shorten it down and add to it. I'm sure that when we meet our bundle of joy we will instantly know his or her name." I reassure her.

"I love you Jake."

"I love you more Ames."

{thought I would update because I need something to distract me from reality. How's all your week going? Mine is full of fake friends and school shit}

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