Chapter 10

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Jake's POV


Amy and I both pull on the string which opens up the flaps on the box, pouring balloons and confetti onto the two of us below.


It's a girl!

Amy and I are having a baby girl, we're having a mini Amy! I pick my girl up and spin her around a couple of times, before placing her back on the floor and planting a kiss on her lips.

"I love you so much Ames." I tell her.

"I love you so much too." She tells me.

I pull her in for a hug and hold my girl close, swaying her from side to side. After some time we pull out of the hug and Amy's mom embraces her, whilst I prepare myself for the next big event of the day.

Rosa congratulates Amy and as prepared I give her a little signal to let her know I'm ready, then she stops talking.

Amy's POV

Rosa stops congratulating me and stares behind, only then do I realise everyone is looking there and I turn around.

On one knee on the ground is Jake, surrounded by pink balloons and pink confetti, holding a box up to me. I take a couple of steps towards him, tears slipping down my cheeks and an irreplaceable smile on my face.

"Amy Santiago, I love you. I love how smart you are, I love how beautiful you are, I love how caring you are and I love how funny you are. I also love how much you pretend to love Die Hard for me." Jake says, reviving a small laugh from everyone around us.

"I like the first one." I say.

"You don't need to."


"Ye. I love how kind you are and how genuine you are. You're the best person I know... and the best detective. There is no one else I want to start a family with and spend the rest of my life with. Amy Santiago, will you make me the happiest man alive, will you marry me?" Jake asks.

"Jake Peralta, I will marry you."

Jake walks up to me and smiles, slipping the gorgeous engagement ring onto my ring finger on my left hand. He then pulls me in for a kiss and I feel like we're the only people in the world: me, my fiancé and our unborn baby girl.

I smile into the kiss as I hear everyone around us clap, alongside what sounds to be Rosa telling Charles to get up and calm down - I don't want to imagine his reaction. We pull out of the kiss, my arms around Jakes neck, his arms around my waist, staring into each other's eyes.

"I love you more than you will ever understand." I tell Jake.

"I love you more than anything or anyone else." He replies pecking me on the lips.

We turn to face everyone else, but the hand with my diamond ring rests on Jake's chest as everyone congratulates us. My Mom comes up to us with tears down her cheeks and smiles at me, holding my free hand in hers.

"I'm so happy for you darling, but Jake you better treat her right or else you will regret it." She says before walking off to my dad.

Jake flashes me a look of fear, making me laugh loudly, despite my attempts to contain myself. One by one everyone from the precinct comes up to congratulate us and when Charles comes up Rosa has to eventually drag him away.

The celebration continues, everyone laughing with one another and enjoying themselves, but the whole time Jake and I stay next to each other, his arm wrapped protectively around me.

It pushes 9pm and I start to get very tired, my feet and back aching as well. Jake and I say our goodbyes and everyone else begins to leave, as the two of us get into my car and Jake drives us home.

When we arrive home, he picks me up bridal style and carries me up to bed, refusing to let me walk. I get into my pyjamas and then cuddle into Jake in bed, the hand with my engagement ring resting on his chest as my head rests on his shoulder.

"Jake?" I ask him.


"Do you remember when we had the Tactical Village training day, before we were dating?"

"The one when we beat the 82nd precinct and set the new record time?" He says "that was such a good day, I still can't believe that Scully's idea worked!"

"Yep that was the one, but that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about something you said that day."

"What do you mean?"

"Do you remember how you told me that you love guns? And then followed it up with 'I'm going to be such a great dad' and my response was something along the lines of 'I'm not evening going to touch on that'? Do you wanna know my actual answer to that" I say receiving a nod off Jake, as he plays with my hair. "I know your going to make an amazing Dad and your going to love our little girl so much. You're going to play with her and help her grow into a strong, independent woman, but most of all your going to protect her. I've seen you on any steak out, any mission, any risky work, you put the ones you love first. A couple months back when we where chasing that armed robber and you made me stay behind you the whole time, that's just one example. Jake, I know your worried about being a father, especially after your own father left you at a young age, but you're going to be different and I know that. And trust me if you are like your own father then Rosa is going to become a whole lot scarier. When you mentioned being a Dad that day, it made me wish we were together more than ever, picturing our future. But at the time I had no clue you even liked me that way." I honestly tell him.

"Amy, I don't like you." He tells me, my heart shattering into a million tiny pieces.

{Hey guys, so I know I said that I won't be able to post, but I managed to grab my phone quickly whilst I was home alone. But it's a girl! - so comment any girl baby names you like and I will take them into account. Anyways, thank you so much for 1k reads, I never thought my book would get there! You all mean so much to me and I will try to update again soon.}

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