Chapter 4

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Amy's POV

I flip the three tests over and look at the results on the small screens:
~ positive
~ //
~ pregnant

Quickly my breathing accelerates and I clutch onto the sink for support as my head begins to spin. How did I not notice? When I think about it now, I haven't had my period for a couple of months and I have a slight bump on my usually flat stomach.

As an attempt to calm myself I sit down on the lid of the toilet for a minute, allowing my brain to process everything. My head falls into my hands and I take deep breaths to calm myself from the panic mode I have just fallen into.

After a couple minutes of calming myself, I stand up - my legs still slightly wobbly from the shock - and take a sip of water. When I finally feel ready to do so, I look in the mirror, even though I won't have any physical differences to before I now know there's a child growing inside of me and I guess that's changed my whole perspective of how I look.

I lift my shirt and stroke my barely noticeable bump. It's then that it hits me: I, Amy Santiago, am pregnant, I'm going to be a Mom, in less than nine months there's going to be either a mini me or a mini Jake around. Tears slip down my cheeks and I let them not bothering to brush them away: tears of joy as I smile at my stomach.

"Hey there buddy, it's Mommy, I love you so much and I know that Daddy will as well." I whisper.

A gentle knock at the door reminds me of Rosa on the other side, who is probably anxiously waiting to find out whether or not I'm pregnant. I walk over to the door and unlock it, to reveal Rosa pacing the area out side the door.

"So...?" She prompts.

"Which do you prefer, Aunt Rosa or Auntie Rosa?" I ask her.

"Oh my gosh you're pregnant!" She squeals, something I've never heard her do before.

I'm pulled in for a hug and I get the biggest smile I have ever seen off Rosa, a single tear slips down her cheek and even though she might try to hide it I see it clearly.

"Was that a tear Rosa?" I ask teasingly.

"Maybe... I'm just so happy for you! You're going to be the best Mom ever I can see it already. Jake is going to be so happy!" She exclaims.

At the moment I stop smiling and my face drops: Jake. How do I tell him? What will he say? Will he leave me? What if he isn't ready or doesn't want a child? What is he thinks we're not ready? What will I do if he leaves?

Rosa can tell I'm overthinking everything and she holds me at arms length and gives me a reassuring smile.

"Amy, everything will be fine, I promise you. Jake will be beyond happy that you're pregnant and he will never be any other way. Trust me, the amount of times I've caught him with a list of names or sketches for a nursery on his desk in unbelievable. I didn't want to tell you before in case the results where negative, but you're pregnant and it's going to be perfect. Just promise me that you won't get stressed out anymore, you've got to not only care for yourself but also the mini peraltiago growing in you. Now get changed so you can tell him that's you're pregnant!"

I thank her once again before going into my wardrobe and picking out an outfit. I exchange my pyjamas for black jeans and an oversized cropped grey sweatshirt, then take my hair out of its messy bun, brushing through it to make it wavy instead of a tangled mess.

Rosa heads back off to the precinct, but insists I call as soon as I have the chance to, so I can tell her what Jakes reaction is.

My hands shake a little as I begin to message Jake, telling him to to come home and to tell the Captain that it's an emergency. He replies almost instantly telling me that he's been allowed the rest of the day off and that he's on his way home. The text is followed up with the question of 'are you okay?' which I honestly answer with 'yes' and then tell him to focus on driving home.

I write a note with the sentence 'I can't wait to meet you Daddy!' on it and the pregnancy test next to it. As soon as I finish setting them all out I hear the keys rattle in the door and the door open, then shut.

"Amy, Ames are you okay? Where are you?" Jake calls to as he walks through.

I smile at him as he enters the room and he rushes straight up to me, embracing me immediately. My heart begins to pound and I pull him out of the hug, receiving a confused look off him.

"You're going to be a dad!" I say and his eyes widen in shock.

"What?!" He exclaims.

"I'm pregnant, we're going to be parents!"

"Oh my, Amy I'm so happy, I can't believe this, we're getting a mini me or you!" He says in shock as a couple of tears slip down his cheeks and I laugh as that's exactly what I thought when I found out.

"Are you crying?" I ask him giggling slightly at how happy he his.

"Maybe... I want to lift you up but I'm scared I'll hurt you."

"You won't hurt me." I say laughing at how adorably cute he's being.

He picks me up and spins me around a couple of times before placing a kiss on my lips and then carrying me though to one of the couches. He lays me down on top of him and I nuzzle my face into the crook of his neck as he strokes his hand over my stomach.

"Jake, when Rosa came over before I thought something had happened to you it made me so scared. I realised at that moment that you're the love of my life and I've never said that to you before but I feel like I need to." I tell him.

I honestly don't know why I was so scared, he's so excited to be a Dad and I already know that we're going to make great parents.

There's nothing else in the work right now, just me, Jake and our future baby. Nothing can take this or our happiness away from us.

{So I was wondering, do you want Amy's pregnancy to last a while or to be quite quick? Let me know in the comments.}

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