Chapter 17

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Amy's POV

As Jake says that, I immediately fear the worse and my head snaps up from being buried in my book. It's only when it processes that he called me 'Ames' does a sense of hope fill me, but that could of been something Charles told him. I give a soft hum to let him know I'm listening, as I gently place my head on his shoulder.

"What's the real reason you weren't there when Melanie knocked me out?" He asks.

My body tenses, as I'm asked the question I'm dreading by the person who I trust the most. I've known all along I will have to at some point remind Jake that I'm carrying his daughter and we're engaged. The oversized NYPD jumpers, oversized NYPD t-shirts and leggings have sort of been hiding my bump the past couple of days.

"The real reason I wasn't there was because..." I begin, debating whether to tell Jake the truth, or if it would be too much for him to handle, "you wouldn't let me go, because..." here goes the moment of truth, "I'm pregnant with our daughter and you don't won't me to do anything that would put me or her at risk."

I feel as though a weight is lifted off my shoulders and I finally relax. Reminding Jake that I'm pregnant is more important than the fact that we're engaged, I will remind him of that at a later date.

"And I proposed to you at our gender reveal a couple of days ago!" Jake says, realisation covering his every word.

A large smile grows on my face as he carefully lifts up my jumper, then gets hold of my left hand and intertwines it with his, placing them both on my bump. I feel our daughter kick the hardest she has done yet, and Jake looks at me as his face lights up with joy.

I hide my face in the crook of his neck, inhaling his scent whilst enjoying his one-arm, protective embrace around me. Jake places gentle kisses on my head and relief takes over my whole body, his memory has been restored and no longer has forgotten me.

I must have fallen asleep, because as I groggily open my eyes I see Gina, Rosa and Terry all sat on the chairs around Jakes' bed: who still hasn't moved from before. Nobody notices I'm awake at first and they all continue with their conversation, but it doesn't take me long to catch onto what they're talking about.

"I just feel so bad for the amount of stress I have put on Amy, especially because she's pregnant." Jake admits to his three colleagues. "After Ames has had the baby, I might quit the force, what is something was to happen to me?"

"I know the feeling man, I wanted to quit just after Sharon had the twins but she refused to let me because I love my job so much." Terry tells them.

"Jake you're not quitting the force." I say stubbornly, taking everyone by surprise as they all thought I was asleep.

"But..." He attempts to argue.

"No buts I refuse. If it wasn't for the force we wouldn't have met, think about that?"

Jake looks at me as I can tell he reconsiders what he said before and I give him a 'I was right' glare. I ruffle up his already messy hair a little, then give him a peck on the lips before hopping off his bed and grabbing my purse.

Everyone looks at me slightly confused and I laugh silently.

"Baby is hungry, I'm going to the cafeteria. Jake you want anything?" I ask receiving a similar request to before. "You guys?" I dress Rosa, Terry and Gina: getting no thank you off all of them.

"I'll come with you." Rosa says grabbing her signature leather jacket from the back of her chair and joining me out of the door.

The two of us walk down the white corridors in silence, until Rosa breaks the silence : something I have never expected her to do, since as it's well known she loves silence.

"How did Jake take the pregnancy and engagement?" She asks, almost slightly cautiously.

"It went really well surprisingly, in actual fact me reminding him of my pregnancy helped him to recall when he proposed to me." I explain with a smile on my face.

"I know I'm not one to usually get into all of the mushy love stuff because honestly I find it revolting but, you two are perfect for each other. You didn't deserve this to happen to either of you, but everything has worked out and I'm really happy for the both of you."

I stare at Rosa, as if she has been abducted by an alien. The Rosa Diaz I know would never, and I mean ever, say something like that to someone. She clearly catches onto my stare and widely opened mouth.

"Oh pack it in Santiago. I do have emotions you know." She says jokingly, tapping me on the arm.

"Phew! There's the Rosa I know, I was worried you had been body switched for a minute there." I reply teasingly.

Rosa smirks at me and we continue our way to the cafeteria. When we arrive I pick it fairly similar foods to before: mostly candy for Jake but some healthier foods as well. Usually I wouldn't want him to have so much sugar - god he's such a child sometimes by the ways I have to treat him - but I guess at the moment I can't not let him.

The two of us talk on the way back to Jakes room and when we enter his eyes light up at the food I place on the table for. The others stay for a while before their lunch hour is over and they have to go back to the precinct.

"Ames I was thinking, have you got any names in mind for peanut?" Jake asks me, making a smile grow on my face.

"Well you see..." I start before he interrupts me.

"Wait a minute, I know that smile Amy Santiago... that's your 'I have a huge tab in my binder about this already' smile. Why am I not surprised." He tells me laughing.

"Maybe I have a couple of ideas," I admit before Jake jokingly glares at me. "Okay I may of may not have a rather large tab in my binder dedicated to baby names."

"Single spaced?"

"Double sided."

"Santiago style." Jake says laughing as the two of us recall the first disastrous thanksgiving the captain attended and it crosses my mind how different this years one will be.

{Sorry for not uploading for so long, I have been so busy but will try to prewrite some more chapters so I can post them soon}

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