Chapter 19

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Amy's POV

"Jake, do you think the spare room will be big enough for all of the baby's things?" I ask him as he carries through a pile of clothing my mother has recently given us.

"At the rate we're going babe I doubt it, what do you want to do - maybe look for a bigger apartment?" Jake suggests.

"I was thinking, what if we maybe look for something bigger than an apartment?"

"Like a house?"


"Amy Santiago it would be an honour to go house shopping with you." He says, making me blush. "Awww you're so cute."

I go up to him and hide my face in his chest as a shade of pink washes over my face from how adorable he's being. Jake scoops me up and carries me through to our bed, flicking through the TV but turning then volume down low so it's only in the background of us talking.

"So what size of house do you want to look for?" Jake asks me, holding me in his arms on the bed.

"Well, since you know in the past we've discussed having more than one child?" I start, to which he agrees. "I was thinking of a three or four bedroom house, maybe even a five?"

"Woah, getting a bit ahead of ourselves Ames? I'm teasing you babe, that sounds like a sensible amount, then we can have a guest bedroom for the time being and a spare room or two. How are we even going to afford something this big though?"

"Well, I've been thinking about moving for a while now and with my savings, whatever little savings you have and the money we will get from selling our apartment, we should have a substantial amount of money. Besides I'm sure our parents will be happy to contribute if we're short since they're all so supportive of us." I explain.

"Well about parents, my dads sort of gone off the radar again but he's left a ton of cash for my mom and me, something about him feeling guilty. But my moms given quite a bit to me as she's financially secure according to her, so we can use that as well."

"Babe, how come you didn't tell me?" I ask giving Jake a hug.

"I'm used to it now, he's never really here anyway. It's a shame though, he's missing out on the best daughter-in-law and grand-daughter..." Jake says before cutting his sentence short.

"Jake, what's wrong?"

"Nothing..." he protests but I raise my eyebrows "it's just, what if I turn out to be like my Dad. I never had a father figure growing up so I don't know how to act or anything like that. What if I completely screw it up?"

Seeing Jake questioning if he will be a good enough father breaks my heart and makes a single tear slip down my cheek but I wipe it away before he can see it.

"Jake, your amazing with children, there's no reason as to why you might, and I quote, 'screw it up'. I've heard you every night when you think I'm asleep, talking to our little girl, whispering into my stomach. She's not even been born yet and she is so lucky to have you as her father, someone who already clearly loves her more than life itself."

Jake smiles softly and genuinely at me, before placing a kiss on my forehead and then pulling me into him slightly tighter.

"I love you so much." He mumbles into my hair, then lifts my shirt up and leans down to my stomach "and I love you so much too." Jake then sits up so he's facing me again "So you want to start house shopping tomorrow?"

"Yep, I'll ask Captain if we can have the day off, I'm sure he won't mind."

"I'm sure he won't, I'll go town and make us some chicken pasta and salad for tea."

"Thanks babe." I thank Jake, pecking a kiss on his lips before he heads downstairs.

The two of us eat dinner then get into our pyjamas, into bed and put on die hard for Jake whilst I do the daily crossword in the New York Times. It doesn't take long for me to become exhausted and Jake to click the lights off and curl up next to me in bed.

I wake up the next morning with Jake snoring lightly next to me and a smile on my face. For once we don't get woken up by the alarm for work and when I roll over to look at the clock if tells me it's past 9am, for once we have been able to have a lie in.

It's not long before Jake too wakes up and says good morning to me, before we are interrupted by his phone buzzing. He rolls over to pick it up and when he reads whatever came through to him, a confused look grows on his face.

"Ames, did you let Holt know that we weren't going to be in work today?" He asks me and my eyes widen.

"I might have sort of forgotten to let him know that minor detail."

"Oh my gosh, Amy Santiago has forgotten to do something work related. What is happening?" Jake over exaggerates.

"I've got baby brains at the moment, what's your excuse?"

"Touché babe, touché." Jake says and we both laugh. "I've explained it to him and he said it's fine, I guess they were just worried as to where America's best two detectives are."

The two of us sit in bed for a while, enjoying the rare occurrence of us both being off work and each other's presence. Later in the day we begin to look at houses online. Those which stand out to us and we really like, we get in contact with the owner or selling company to book a time to go and view it.

{So from the last chapter of you can comment which baby name you like the most and the most popular one might be the one I use... I had a name but realised something so need a new one. Anyways thank you so much for over 300votes!}

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