Chapter 31

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Amy's POV

"Babe, I'll be back later I'm going to brunch with the girls." I say placing a kiss on Jake's lips  and then turning to Gabi. "And I'll see you later Gabriella, yes I will. I love you both."

"Don't worry Ames, they're all going to want to be your bridesmaids, it's going to go perfectly."

I smile at Jake before getting in the car and driving off to the hotel where we're having brunch. In the back there's four shoe sized boxes, three identical and one slightly different.

When I arrive, obviously 15minutes earlier than the agreed time, each one of the boxes is placed in a seat with a name card on top of it.
The four of them practically already know their going to be my bridesmaids, they've each made comments on dresses for both myself and them, but I wanted to do something special for them all and I think Jake will appreciate the time alone with Gabi due to all the late nights he's had to pull recently.

Kylie arrives first, followed by Rosa and then Kate with Gina, as Kate spent the night at Gina's to allow myself, Jake and Gabi to have some time just the three of us. When they open their boxes, they all immediately accept the invitation to be my bridesmaid. Inside is a small bottle of prosecco, a candle, a necklace and a card asking them to be my bridesmaid. In Rosa's there's the same, but hers instead asks her to be my maid of honour, it only seems appropriate to chose her because of everything she's done for me and how long she's known Jake.

By midday we're finished with brunch and to my surprise, Rosa got in contact with my mom convincing us that we need to go dress shopping. They all explain to me how they sort of worked out that this brunch was bridesmaid invitations and have booked an appointment at one of the highly rated bridal boutiques near by.

We get taken through to the back where my mom is sat down, a glass of champagne in her hand and 5 others on a table.

"Amy, it's so good to see you." My mom says, walking up to me and embracing me in a hug.

I introduce her to each of my bridesmaids and we catch up briefly before I begin to try on some dresses.

As I try them on, everyone chips in with their opinion and thoughts on different styles, shades and patterns. After at least two hours, I finally find the exact fit and colour I want my dress to have and a dress that is practically my dream dress, although my mom is convincing me to look in at least one other shop.

Then we look at the shades for the bridesmaids dresses, wanting them to have a shade matching out colour scheme with Jake and his groomsmen having blue suits. When we finally decide on the perfect shade, I tell each of them they can pick a dress style that they like in that shade, however all insist on getting matching dresses.

They all decide on ankle length, princess dresses, with a slit three quarters up the left leg and a floral lace on the top. Each of them try it on and they all look amazing stood next to each other, even Rosa who at first the thought of wearing a pink dress rolled her eyes but had a small smile on her face as they all walked out of the changing rooms.

A couple of the dresses get slightly altered to make them a better length so there's none on the floor and once they're finished and paid for it's mid afternoon. I say goodbye to Kylie, Gina and Rosa, thanking Rosa for inviting my mom to the surprise dress fitting. Then, Kate, my mom and I all get in my car and I drive us back to my house. We let out all of our dress excitement before arriving, wanting to keep it a complete surprise from Jake.

Kate quickly says hi to both Jake and Gabi but goes upstairs, whilst my mom fusses over Gabi and I talk to Jake. Gabi babbles away to my mom before becoming tired and restless, so I take her upstairs for a nap. When I go back downstairs I sit next to Jake as my mom talks about my brothers new achievements and I feel Jakes hand discretely finding mine to give it a small squeeze. My mom soon realised the time and says goodbye to everyone, pulling me in for a hug at the doorway.

"You should bring Gabi to your next dress fitting, I think she would really enjoy it. Call me when you book it and I will try to be there." She says during the hug and when she pulls away I have a smile on my face.

Once my mom leaves, Jake gives me a reassuring speech about how I shouldn't worry about what my parents think and that I don't need to try to compare myself to my brothers. I just curl up in his lap and lay my head against his chest. A while later, Kate brings Gabi down as she's woken up from her nap and I feed her, whilst Kate begins to make dinner with unhelpful help off Jake.

After Gabi finishes feeding, Jake comes back through and the three of us sit on the floor, Jake and I a small space apart. Gabi tries to walk between us but once we let go of her hands falls down to her bottom and crawls the distance. An idea from my binder comes to mind and I go upstairs to get Gabi's favourite teddy.

She pulls herself up using Jakes arms and I sit opposite him, the teddy behind my back. When I pull the teddy out and in front of me, Gabi takes some wobbly steps over before falling and landing in my lap, clutching onto the teddy.

"Well done Gabi." I say, smothering her in kisses.

"Good job baby." Jake says, moving over to sit next to us.

Gabi looks up at us smiling, and when Kate walks into the room to see what all the noise was about, she stands up using us to help her and she takes a couple more steps towards her before stumbling and crawling the rest of the way. Kate picks her up and like Jake and I fusses over her.

"There's no stopping her now babe." Jake says, his arm pulling me closer into his side and I just smile.

{Another update already... I really do have a lot of time on my hands. No honestly, I'm not sure if I like my writing style at the moment and I don't know what's happened with it but yeah? Let me know what you think because I always love to hear your opinions and thoughts.
Also I'm considering putting this story on archive of our own? - but want your opinions first as they matter most to me. I would add a chapter a day until I'm caught up to the same point as wattpad and then add at a similar pace to this? - I would then also consider taking this story off wattpad if it's on ao3. It's just a thought but if I could have opinions that would help, I just want to keep my readers happy.
Happy (belated) Easter and I hope you're all staying safe during these times ❤️}

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