Chapter 13

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Amy's POV

"Sir, who has been injured, where are they, how serious is it?" I ask, as Gina and I barge into the Captains office.

"I've not been given much information, however what I do know is that they've been taken to New York hospital. That's all I've been told." He tells us and we nod in thanks before rushing out of his room and towards the elevator.

The both of us are in silence as we go down to the car park and practically run to Gina's car. She drives us to the hospital, trying to stay under the limit and not break any laws, but struggling to do so in such a desperate time. As for me, I just look out of the window the whole time, zoning in and out of the world around me, praying that everything is okay and it's just a minor injury. Hoping that the worst possible situations my mind is coming up with aren't true or the reality we will soon be living.

I put on the group chain asking where they are and Charles replies Ward 7 Room 3. If Charles is giving such short answers something must be bad, making me even more anxious. From previous experiences at the hospital, I know that Ward 7 is one of the more spacious wards, however that makes me worry even more as I fear it could be a more permanent injury.

As soon as Gina is parked with both jump out of the car and rush into the hospital. We see the queue for the elevator - 5 people long - and we almost go to take the stairs, however Gina doesn't allow me to do so as she knows with me being pregnant it's the worst thing to do.

Eventually the doors open for us and we impatiently press them up to the second to top floor. The whole journey up my toes fidget in my shoes, curling and uncurling, bouncing and swaying. When the doors reopen, after what feels like a century, we follow the signs to Ward 7 until we finally reach it.

Before we open the doors, Gina and I give each other a look before pushing them open.

The first thing I notice the pitiful and sorrowful looks, mostly aimed at me. I scan the group of people trying to see who's missing and then it hits me. Jake. Jakes missing. Jakes the one who's been injured.

"No, no, no, no, no." I cry, tears racing down my face as I fall into one of the chairs by me.

Rosa comes and kneels in front of me, as Gina sits next to me and Charles on the other side, whilst everyone else watches the scene unfold from a small distance. I zone out, tears chasing down my cheeks and the bitter taste filling my mouth, as everyone around me attempts to talk to me, but they just sound a blur.

"Amy, listen to me please." Rosa begs and I pay attention to her. "Hawkins knocked Jake out, none of us know what she used, but he was unconscious. None of the doctors have told us how he is yet."

Just as she says that a doctor walks by and stands to address all of us.

"Family and friends of Jacob Peralta?" He asks and all my attention turns to him. "He is conscious again, but asleep. From tests, it can be confirmed that he may suffer memory loss, however this should hopefully only be temporary and with support from family and friends it will be easier to restore his memory. You may go through to see him in small groups, up to five."

We all thank him, although my smile does not return. Jake is conscious which is amazing, but if he's suffering memory loss, what will he remember? Everyone encourages me to go in to see him, so I'm there when he wakes up and in a while they will all come through.

I open the doors into Jake's room and what I see shatters my heart, hooked up to wires and monitors is the love of my life. A stack of chairs sit in the corner, so I lift one off the top and place it next to Jakes bed.

Gently, I hold one of his hands as I sit next to his bed hoping he will soon wake up and remember me.

"Jake, please fight through this. You're the strongest person who I know and I need you in my life. Without you I would be completely lost, you make me complete and you make me who I am. Without a doubt you can find a way to make me smile or laugh and having someone like that in my life is one of the best feelings ever. You proposed to me less than 36hours ago, please don't leave me now. I can't wait to be your wife and walk down the isle to you, to go on our honeymoon and make so many memories. Not only that but I can't wait for you to become a father. If you can't fight through this for me or you, do it for our daughter. She's going to need her Daddy, someone who she can look up to, someone who can protect her, but most of all someone to love her. We get to pick out her name, a name we both love, we get to decorate a nursery for her, but most of all we get to watch our daughter grow up. I need you to be here for me, when I feel down, or when I'm craving the most bizarre foods at the strangest of times. I don't know anyone else who would go out at 2am just to get me peanut butter ice cream. Jake you promised me you would stay safe, please. I love you so much." I beg him, tears slipping down my cheeks the whole time.

I feel our baby girl kicking and even through I know he's asleep, I place his hand on my stomach so he can feel her. After half an hour and I bring Charles and Rosa in, Charles because I know he is desperate to see Jake and Rosa for the same reason, but also because I need some moral support.

The three of us just sit in silence, or that is until Jake's eyes flutter open and I immediately stand up next to his bed, my hand gently placed over his hand.

"Jake." I say to him.

"Who are you?" He asks me, looking me up and down, as my heart breaks into a million tiny pieces.

{Love getting feedback from people who read my story so please let me know, any improvements or ideas you might want me to consider. Thank you 100votes as well!
Also to those asking if I was okay after what happened last week - yes I am, but it's just hard facing them and everyone in school who knows about it.
Anyways thank you again and let me know your thoughts (+ some baby namessss) .}

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