Chapter 5

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Jake's POV

I watch Amy as she sleeps, her head raising and falling in sync with my chest. After sometime, I carry her upstairs being extra careful to not wake her, before changing her into pyjamas and curling up in bed with her: my arms wrapped around her slightly tighter than usual.

I wake up the next morning to find the space in the bed next to me empty. I frantically find the light switch and turn in on, only to hear coughing coming from the bathroom. I jump out of bed and rush through there to find my girl throwing up.

"Jake it's okay, you don't need to help me, you can go back to bed." Amy insists as I walk over and pull her hair back.

"No way Ames, I love you too much to just leave you to deal with morning sickness by yourself."

"I love you too." She states as I pull her onto my lap.

The two of us stay there for sometime, eventually we hear the dreaded alarm go off from the bedroom and she wriggles out of my embrace. She begins getting ready for the day, the biggest smile on her face, only Amy Santiago would look forward to going back to work.

"Jake?" She asks as I'm getting dressed, turning to her to show she has me attention. "Can we keep my pregnancy quiet for now, or at least until my first doctors appointment. I want to make sure everything is okay before we tell people. Oh ye but Rosa already knows, she's the one who convinced me to take the test."

"Of course babes, but don't worry I'm sure everything will be perfect. Thankfully Charles is away with his family at the moment so we won't have him in our ears the whole time. Make sure you tell Rosa the same, not that she'd tell anyone but just to be sure." I agree. "But you have to promise me one thing..."

"What is it?"

"That you won't go out to collect evidence or to catch prisoners on the loose. The last thing I want is for you or our baby to be put in danger, I don't care if I or the others from the precinct have to go out daily to makeup for what you miss." I plead.

"We'll see, I might have to go and collect some evidence but that's the most I will do. Besides I'm going to book a doctors appointment when they open in a little while, so we can both take the time off for that... we'll just need a good cover story."

"I'm sure you'll come up with something." I say laughing, placing a small kiss on her forehead before going downstairs.

Timed perfectly like usual, just as I'm placing the breakfast on the table Amy walks down the stairs and the two of us eat together. Just before we leave the house, she calls the doctors and books an appointment in a couple of days to get an ultra scan to see how far on she is in the pregnancy and to make sure that our baby's okay.

Throughout the whole car journey the two of us just talking about Amy's pregnancy, but as soon as the precinct comes into sight, Amy cuts her sentence short and immediately starts talking about something else.

I give her a reassuring smile before the two of us get out of the car and begin to make our way into the precinct, my arm casually wrapped around her waist. The second we walk out of the elevator all eyes are on us and everyone begins to ask Amy if she's okay.

She convinces them all that she had a 48hour sickness bug and that she was all better now, but from the back of the group I see Rosa smirking. It's not long before everyone's attention is turned back to their work: either typing away at computers, scribbling down notes, or asking questions to suspects.

When it's lunch, Hitchcock walks past Amy's desk with a slice of apple pie drowning in maple syrup and I see her face turn as the smell drifts over her. Not long after, she jumps from her chair and makes a reasonably quick walk for the toilet, only catching the attention of myself and Rosa on the way.

The two of us look at each other and I give Rosa a little nod as a way of telling her to go and check if Amy's okay. She makes her way to the bathrooms and still no one else's seems to be paying too much attention, so I carry on with my work, occasionally glancing in the direction Rosa left to see when they get back.

After what feels like forever, but realistically is only 15minutes, Rosa comes out of the toilets and a message pings up on my phone.

Rosa: Amy's waiting in the evidence room for you, she knows you'll want to make sure she's okay.

I reply with a simple thanks before waiting barely a minute, making my way across the room and to the corridor leading to the evidence room. A gentle knock on the door tells Amy I'm on the other side, only a matter of seconds later I have her embraced in my arms.

"You okay babe?" I ask.

"Ye, just hate constantly throwing up. When we announce to everyone that I'm pregnant we'll have to set a rule that Hitchcock and Scully can't walk past my desk." She tells me laughing. "Has anyone even taking notice of me running to the bathroom?"

"I think we all know that they will forget about it in a matter of seconds. Nope, not one person has noticed. In all honesty they're meant to be detectives and officers, so I'm slightly worried for New York City."

We both start laughing, then we both go in for a kiss, however we abruptly pull away when we hear the door handle turning. Terry walks into the room completely oblivious of the two of us and begins looking through the stacks of boxes. When Amy coughs it gets his attention and he turns around in shock to see the both of us attempting to contain our laughter.

The rest of the day goes by like usual, a good laugh here and there at something someone from the precinct does, alongside a lot of paperwork and filing, but nothing out of the usual.

{Happy New Year Everyone! So I'm currently prewriting as many chapters as I can before I go back to school, which basically means staying up till like 4am... yay 😴}

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