Chapter 24

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Amy's POV

Our doctor leaves the room after telling us that Gabi and I can be discharged today, as Jake begins to pack all of our clothes into the bags. I dress our 2-day old daughter into the onesie Jake bought for her just days after we found out the gender. It's white with the words 'worth the wait' in silver across the front, then i swaddle her in a pink blanket which my mom knitted for us.

Carefully I place her into her car seat for the first time and adjust the straps so they fit her, making sure she doesn't wake. Once Jake finishes packing, he slips his hand into mine and the two of us walk out of the hospital, thanking the doctors on the way with smiles on our face. When we get to the car, Jake locks Gabi's baby seat into place then the two of us get into the front of the car.

The car journey home is filled with Jake and me talking about how excited we are to be bringing our baby girl home, as well as me constantly turning around or looking in the mirror to check on Gabi. When we arrive home, Jake grabs the bags and unlocks the door, whilst I unbuckle Gabi from her car seat and carry her into the house in my arms.

"Welcome home Gabriella." Jake says, stroking her hand as we walk into the house.

She opens her eyes and stares up at me, making my heart melt in a matter of seconds as Jake wraps his arm around my waist. We walk through to the lounge and I place Gabi into the bassinet we bought for the room, then Jake and I curl up on the couch together.

We spend the rest of the day on the couch together, regular cries from Gabi as she's either hungry or needs a diaper change. I complete the New York Times crossword that I have missed over the past couple of days, whilst Jake goes through his emails and then the two of us watch a movie.

The evening soon comes around and just after 8pm I feed Gabi, then Jake and I go upstairs to bed. Even though Gabi has her own room, she has a cot in our room for the first month or so, just to make the night feeds and diaper changes easier. We also have a rocking chair in the corner of our room (as well as the one in her room) so it should hopefully be easier for us to get her to fall back asleep.

Just after 9pm, we're all finally ready for bed, Gabi's in her cot and Jake has his arms wrapped around me in our bed.

"Let's hope tonight isn't as bad as everyone says it is." He mumbles and I hum in agreement, before falling asleep.

The first cry comes at half past eleven and I quickly jump out of bed and walk over to Gabi, picking her up and smelling her diaper to realise she needs a change. I carry her through to her room and lie her down on her changing table, pulling a clean diaper out of the box and unbuttoning her baby grow.

It doesn't take me long to change her and as soon as the dirty diaper is replaced with the clean one, Gabi's cries begin to get quieter and I let out a sigh of relief. I place a kiss on her forehead before carrying her back through to our room and lie her down in her cot, by which point she's asleep again, then climb back into bed and back into Jake's arms.

Gabi's next wakes up two and a half hours later, so at 2am when she starts to cry, Jake begins to get out of bed but I stop him.

"She's gonna need feeding babe and only I can do that, just go back to sleep." I tell him and give him a quick peck on the lips, before walking over to Gabi.

I lift her out of her crib and sit down in the rocking chair with her, beginning to feed her. A couple of minutes later I look down at Gabi and see her eyes beginning to close, so burp her and lie her down the her cot again, stroking her little hand before walking away.

When I climb back into bed, Jake is still awake waiting for me, he pulls me into his arms and begins to play with my hair as I fall back asleep.

The next time Gabi cries is less than an hour later and this time Jake is out of bed before I can even open both of my eyes, picking up our crying daughter and soothing her by rocking her from side to side. He carefully lifts her to smell her diaper, then leaves our room to go to - I assume - her nursery to change her.

After about five minutes Jake comes back into our bedroom and lies Gabi down in her cot, then gets back into bed next to me. I stick my tongue out jokingly as I pull part of the cover away from him, but I regret doing it as Jake is soon pinning me down to the mattress tickling me, somehow being gentle. Gabi begins to cry again and Jake jumps off me and picks her up, sitting down in the rock chair and places her on his chest, holding her bottom and head.

He rocks back and forth with her, the cries softening quickly, but continues to rock the chair. I rest my head back on my pillow and just relax for a minute, before talking my attention back to the two most important people in my life.

Jake has his eyes shut and Gabi is fast asleep on his chest. I smile and fumble around my nightstand to find my phone, which unlike usual is slightly cluttered. The light blinds me slightly, but I turn on my lamp and take a photo of Jake and Gabi. Knowing Jake wouldn't be comfy sleeping like that for the rest of the night, I carefully wake him and take Gabi off him to place her back into her cot.

The two of us curl up in bed together and Jake wraps his arms around me, making me fall asleep almost instantly.

The rest of our night goes relatively smoothly, apart from two more diaper changes and three feedings.

{Guys I'm so sorry that it's been so long since I last uploaded. What would you think of maybe a rather large time skip maybe in a couple of chapters, let me know?}

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