Chapter 16

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Amy's POV

"And that's pretty much everyone at the precinct." I tell jake as I finish running through all of our colleagues to help him remember them.

It has been a good two hours, I started by briefly explaining each person but Jake insisted I show him photos and told him as much detail as possible. Not wanting to overcrowd his mind, which I know isn't hard to do, I tell him enough about everyone to keep him satisfied. It makes me happy to know that he's so willing and desperate to get himself back to normal.

I haven't told Jake much about myself yet, in slight hope he will still remember me, however at this point the chances of that are ridiculously slim. By this point out hands out intertwined and my head is resting on his chest, the two of us in silence just enjoying the others presence. A knock at the door makes Jakes jump slightly and the hand he was using to play with my hair, is now being used to prop himself up slightly more.

Charles walks through the door and instantly his nervous face turns to a gleaming smile as he sees the two of us together. I roll my eyes at him, but smile once I see the two best friends taking like they used to.

"I'm going to the cafeteria, Jake you want anything?" I ask, standing up.

"Erm, anything really... hospital food sucks, it's all healthy stuff." He complains making me laugh, he mustn't be in too much pain if he's able to complain about food.

"Okay. Charles, can I quickly speak to you outside?" I say, grabbing my purse and heading out of the room.

"Amy it's great to see you and Jake getting along so well, how did he take the pregnancy and engagement stuff, did he remember it?"

"Yeah, about that. I sort of haven't told him those two things yet, or really anything about me. So if he asks anything about those two things just try to change the subject, for me please?" I request.

"I will, but Amy you need to tell him soon. Not just for you, but for the baby and for me, you and Jake are America's dream couple. And you're using your body to..." Charles says before I interrupt.

"Walking away now." I tell him I as turn my back and walk towards the cafeteria.

Does he ever have an off button?!

Jake's POV

Charles eventually comes back into the room with a slightly sadder smile on his face but I just let him be, Amy told me about how obsessed he is with us.

"So Charles, tell me everything about Amy. She's not told me anything about herself, just about everyone else in the precinct. I want to know everything, spare no details." I beg.

"Well Amy joined the precinct when you had already been working there for a couple of years. From her first day I was my own worst enemy, I said something along the lines of 'I hear wedding bells' when you two first had a conversation. Anyways, I pushed for the two of you to go on a date but Amy began to date another officer called Teddy and you began to date an attorney called Sophia. Oh ye, before either of them two came along though you and Amy had a sort of bet going on. Whoever could get the most arrests in a year won, if Amy won she got your car and if you won you got to take Amy on 'the worst date ever'. Obviously you won, but halfway through 'the worst date ever' you had to go on a stakeout, but you brought Amy with you. You had the whole elaborate night planned to embarrass her, which was clearly because you liked her, but all you really needed to do was spend some time with her. Anyways along came Teddy and Sophia, then at some point you tried to get Rosa's friends number and another point Amy almost dated some guy from a case you were working on. That's besides the point,  you and Amy went undercover as 'Johnny and Dora' and Amy used the story that you two had just got engaged so you could get into a restaurant. That night you two kissed twice undercover. The day after you both decided to start dating, however soon after you got caught you broke up and you were heartbroken. That night we were over at your apartment and just as you were about to go over to see Amy, she showed up at your door and you were back together. Over the years you have had you ups and downs, but through it all you have been there for each other. You were sent to Florida for six months in the witness protection programme, but as soon as you were out of it you and Amy just took off where you left. You have a beautiful apartment together and..." Charles tells me.

He's interrupted by the door opening and Amy stumbles through, her arms filled with magazines, chocolate bars and sweets all for me. A grin plasters across my face as she places them all at the end of the bed, but I struggle to reach them resulting in both Amy and Charles laughing at me.

Charles says his goodbyes and leaves the two of us, as Amy gets a handful of magazines and some food, placing it on the table and then rolling the table over to me. I thank her and she smiles, something which makes my heart melt. She curls up into the chair next to my bed and starts to read her book, but I soon miss her presence and ask her to come and sit with me.

The two of us curl up in the hospital bed, Amy reading her book, whilst I briefly look over some of the latest sports car reviews. It's only after half an hour that I break the comfortable silence and ask Amy a burning question.

"Ames, we need to talk." I say.

{So I feel like an update is overdue... sorryyyy. Anyways I've picked a baby name but only I know it so ye shhhh.
Also my glasses got smashed today so that's annoying af.
Would love to keep hearing feedback - so let me know what you think.}

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