Chapter 14

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Amy's POV

I fight back a flood of tears as Jake stares at me, a quilt of confusion over his face. The smile on Charles' face drops and Rosa grabs my hand to give it a somewhat reassuring squeeze, which doesn't work.

In an attempt to say something, I open my mouth but no words come out, just a deafening silence. I attempt to fight the lump at the back of my throat, but all I manage to do is let out a barely audible cry.

"Who are you?" Jake repeats, this time turning to Charles.

"I'll be back in a... erm in a minute." I whisper rushing out of the room, my legs barely carrying me.

As soon as I'm out of the room I sink into one of the chairs and sob, everyone waiting to see Jake rushing up to me and bombarding me with questions. Tears flood my cheeks once again and I no longer attempt to fight them back.

"Oh Amy" Rosa says to me as she comes out of the room, sitting next to me and embracing me in a hug.

"He doesn't know who I am." I say, shocking everyone around us into silence. "He's forgotten me."

No one says a word, everyone at a loss of what to say, as Charles walks out of Jake's room, looking sadder than ever. He gives me a broken smile, before walking over to the other corner of the room and sitting down, ignoring the questions Terry asks him.

"I'm going for a walk, I need to clear my head." I announce standing up.

As I take a step forward, my weak and trembling legs struggle to hold up my body and if it wasn't for Rosa holding my arm, I would have probably fallen down again. It reminds me of a baby taking their first steps, someone there to catch them.

Then it dawns upon me, if Jake has forgotten me, he's most likely forgotten I'm carrying his daughter. An immediate sense of fear rushes over me, but I do my best to contain it due to everyone around me.

"No you're not, it's nearly 1am. Let's go and find a quiet room, just to sit in for a while?" Rosa says to me, before addressing everyone else. "You all go home, you need the rest."

One by one reluctantly the squad leaves, even Charles who goes home to Nikolaj, despite his arguments not too, Rosa wins her side. Once everyone else has gone, Rosa holds my arm as we head to an empty room, my legs barely being able to hold me up.

With my anxiety being off the walls, I pace around the room, then sit down for a while, before pacing around again.

Rosa's POV

I watch as my best friend paces around the small room, guilt washing over me as I know there's nothing I can do to comfort her. When Amy eventually sits down next to me, the two of us sit in silence until she begins to loudly sob.

"He doesn't know who I am." Amy repeats over
and over again.

It's only when I place my hand on her arm to comfort her, do I realise how viciously she is shaking. I'm about to say something, but as I open my mouth to speak Amy stands up.

Almost immediately her body gives in and she falls down, landing in my arms as she goes. I help her to one of the more comfortable chairs, sitting her down and then kneeling in front of her.

"Amy, deep breaths okay?" I say to her grabbing her shaking hands.

"I, can't." She tells me, tears still running down her cheeks.

"Just focus on breathing."

"I - can't - breathe - " she gasps for air between every breathe.

"Amy listen to me, okay? Deep breathes, just focus on breathing. In and out. In and out." I tell her, becoming more concerned by the minute. "That's it, in and out." I encourage her and she begins to calm down.

"I can't." She says, suddenly breaking down again with tears escaping her eyes. "I read that - panic attacks are - dangerous during - pregnancy"

I forcefully swallow, unsure of what to say: knowing that Amy is right (I went to medical school), but not knowing what sort of supportive advice to give.

"Saying that isn't going to help anything. Just deep breathes again, you were doing really well before, do that same thing again okay? In and out, in and out." I say.

After two minutes or so I feel Amy becoming less shaky and eventually she stops shaking at all, after some time she catches her breath once again.

Once she's calmed down, the first thing she does is pull me into a hug and whisper thank you in my ear. Usually the idea of something like this would repulse me, but Amy really needs someone right now and I'm going to be here for her.

"Do you feel better now?" I ask reviving a small nod in response. "Right, lets get you home."

"I need to stay here with Jake, I can't just leave him." Amy tells me stubbornly, but fails as she yawns half way through her sentence.

"No Amy, I'm not letting you stay, you haven't just got yourself to take care for anymore." I remind her.


"No Amy, I refuse."

Amy's POV

"Fine then, just let me say goodbye to Jake first?" I ask, giving into Rosa.

She lets me in, but in my fragile state stays close to the door at all times, she probably knows I will break down in tears at any minute if I'm not careful.

Jake is asleep on the bed, they must have really drugged him up so he doesn't feel any pain. The chairs from before are still out in the same places and I sit down where I was earlier, unlike last time I'm now aware of the consequences.

"Jake, I love you so much. You may be struggling to remember me for now, but I'm not going to stop fighting for you. I will do whatever I can to help you and before you know it we will be out of here. I promise I will come back tomorrow, I just need to rest tonight. It's been a rough day, but I can't even imagine what you went through. I love you Jake." I say sadly, kissing the top of his hand and gently placing it next to him.

{Omg guys that you so much for all of the reads and votes! I never imagined we would hit 3k reads and getting top of the #peraltiago is such a big deal for me.
Thank you all so much and let me know any ideas or improvements you have for this story - I love to hear readers feedback and thoughts.
Also don't forget to comment any baby names you like.
Thank you again!}

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