Chapter 18

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Amy's POV

I wake up in Jake's embrace, the hand that isn't wrapped around me is playing with the ends of my hair. He smiles at me and I look up at him, making me unable to resist the urge to reach him and place a peck on his lips.

We had been talking until late at night about the baby's nursery and how we want to design it. Obviously I have a tab on it in my binder, but that has been left at home so I had to turn to my folder on Pinterest - which in all honesty I didn't think was too bad with 865 pins in it but Jake seems to think different.

The two of us take it in turns to use the bathroom, myself first followed by Jake who finishes the Die Hard movie he was watching. Just as Jake comes out of the bathroom, his dedicated day-time nurse walks in.

"Jake, you are able to go home when you feel ready now." She starts, Jake and I smiling widely at each other. "You're still going to be on some medication to help with the pain as you're going to have headaches throughout the day due to a mild concussion. However if you feel light headed we advise you sit down immediately and if available have something, preferably water, to drink. If you are to faint then we recommend you come to hospital immediately as it's essential we check up on you, although that is very unlikely to happen. Apart from that, you just need to take a small dosage of medication with your meals and a paracetamol for any extra pains or aches. Any questions?"

Jake looks at me and I shake my head, resulting in him copying my actions making me laugh silently: the way he checks with me first is just adorable.

"If so then you just need to sign your discharge papers and as you're having to leave with medication your emergency contact must also sign." She explains handing Jake a couple of papers and walking out.

He sits on the bed and leans on the table, his signature quickly sprawling across the pages in the necessary places.

"Ames, will you come here and sign this for me please?" He asks me.

"I'm your emergency contact?" I question, expecting it to be his mom.

"Well ye obviously. In all honesty you have been for ages, even before we started dating, because I know I can trust you to make the best and most appropriate decisions for me."

"Awww, well you'll be glad to know you're mine too. I love you." I tell him placing a kiss on his head before reading the forms and signing where I'm requested to.

The nurse soon walks back in and approves the papers, adding her signature to ours where she needs to.

"You may leave when you're ready."

"Thank you so much." Jake says walking over to shake the nurses hand.

"Thank you for everything."

"Its an honour." She expresses before leaving the room.

I begin to cram all of our clothes - or well mostly mine as Jake has been in the clothes provided by the hospital - into the small bag I brought and Jake stares at me stunned.

"Babe! What's happened to your systematic approach on how to perfectly fold things whilst packing so no clothes are creased?"

"I just wanna get home with you." I tell him laughing slightly.

"Ahhh home, somewhere I have dreamt about being over the past nights. Let's go." Jake excitedly says, slipping his hand into mine as we leave the hospital room.

On the way out we thank all of the doctors and nurses, then make our way out to the car park where we get into my car. The drive home is a comfortable silence, with Jake watching the world pass by, something he has been deprived of the last days.

When we arrive home, the both of us sit on the couch together. I'm filling in the crosswords I have missed over the last couple of days, whilst Jake messages Charles to let him know he's out of the hospital.

"So Ames, let me see this binder."

My face lights up as Jake asks to see my baby binder and I pick it up from under our bed. When I get downstairs with it, Jakes mouth almost drops at the size of it and I can't help but loudly laugh.

The two of us begin looking at the names section of it, something that has grown and shrunk over the past years of my life. However it's the section which has changed the most since I joined the 99, then again even more since Jake and I began dating.

"I like Amelie." Jake says.

"What about Sophia?"






"Jake, where on here does it say Nacatomi?"

"Well I was thinking Die Hard, you know Nacatomi Plaza?"

"Erm no." I bluntly tell him.

The two of us continue to tell the other names that we like and after 5 hours of looking through not only the names in my binder but other names that we have heard in the past or we found on the internet, we finally come up with a final 15.

"So our final 15 is:

"I love them all." Jake admires.

"I was thinking for her middle name, it should be..." I begin until the doorbell interrupts me.

I get up to go and get it, only to be welcomed by a very excited Charles and the rest of the precinct behind him looking like they will happily dispose of him anywhere.

"We came as soon as our shift finished." Charles says as I welcome him in.

Everyone comes in behind him and Jake looks as confused as me at their sudden appearance.

"Well its a welcome home gathering for Jake!" Charles explains.

I smile at our colleague who hugs his best friend before turning to me.

"How's the baby Amy?"

"She's good, kicking a lot at the moment." I tell everyone.

"WHEN DID SHE START KICKING?! HOW COME I DON'T KNOW?" Charles practically shouts with excitement.

"She began kicking the day of our gender reveal and engagement. I haven't had the chance to tell you all yet because, well there was the whole Hawkins business and there's not really been the appropriate time." I excuse myself.

I look at Jake knowing this won't be the quiet night we hoped for as other colleagues join Charles in asking questions: but I don't mind as I know they all do it out of love and their best intentions.

{So I'm currently on vacation so trying to write is hard but the new episode of Brooklyn Nine-Nine comes out today!}

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