Chapter 33

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Amy's POV

Jake sits down at his desk opposite me and flicks the countdown on his desk over by a day, a smile on his face. As soon as we decided on a date for our wedding, he insisted on having a countdown in his desk. With my dress safely stored at Rosas after finally buying it over the weekend, the days seem to be counting down very quickly.

An uneventful day passes at work, my case files being decreased slightly so I can focus on preparation for the sergeants exam that's Jake has convinced me to take at the end of this month. With Kate being out of town, one of her friends from Dallas wanting her to be at her baby shower, Gabi is being babysat by my mom who FaceTimes me and Jake during our lunch break.

"Oooh, Ames I've got a new takeout place for us to try tonight for date night." Jake says as we sit down after our lunch break, to which I smile.

"Wait, when was the last time you two went on a date?" Rosa asks, placing a case file on my desk.

"Last week we had a movie night together."

"No like an actual date." She corrects me.

"I'm hearing something about a date." Charles says, standing up and joining Rosa.

"We've just not had a chance for us to go out on a date since Gabi's been born." Jake defends us.

"Don't tell me I'm hearing this, you two having been out on a date together for over a year?" Terry asks dragging his chair over, as Gina goes to stand with the others.

"Oh great and now practically the whole squad is involved, fab." I comment sarcastically.

"I'm just saying, you two should definitely go out on a date like asap." Gina chimes in.

I just look over at Jake, widening my eyes slightly in a desperate attempt for help. He takes a long blink, in the past that would have been to prepare himself to face everyone but him and I both know he probably fell asleep for a second.

"Well we've been busy with Gabi and work, but if you ask my I've never been happier." Jake justifies, to which Gina gags and then walks over to her desk: her interest in us only lasting a short time.

"Go out on a date tonight the two of you."

"Well we would genius Charles but we don't have a babysitter. Kate is back in Dallas, Amy's mom has already babysat all day and my mom is going on some strange blind date."

"I'll happily babysit my goddaughter. I'll be at yours for 6pm." Rosa says without any hesitation.

"Rosa, we can't ask you to do that for us on such sort notice." I argue.

"6pm sharp." She says before turning on her heels and walking away, leaving Jake and me with smiles on our faces, bigger smiles than the idea of a new takeout menu.

Once we arrive home, we have a new found energy source. I go in the shower whilst Jake plays with Gabi and then vice versa. Whilst I do my hair and makeup, Jake feeds Gabi dinner and from our room I can hear him making airplane noises and smile. When I go downstairs he's sat in a chair opposite her, food all over face and some down his shirt, I just laugh at the sight of them.

"Wow, Ames. You look, you look amazing." Jake says when he notices me, placing the plate on the table and walking over to me.

I smile into the kiss he puts on my lips, cupping his face in my hands. Jake holds my at arms length and I giggle, him spinning me around on the ball off my foot. It only seems appropriate to wear the dress I wore on our first date those years ago: our first date as a couple and our first date as parents.

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