Cheering up

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Tinis pov

I was walking in the hallway waiting for shooting time I saw Mechi sitting alone so I thought that I may go cheer her up

Tini: hey Mechi

Mechi: oh! Hey Tini

Tini: so....for-

Mechi: ya sure..

I can see that something was upsetting her maybe Xabi ??

Tini: Mechi what's wrong I can see that your sad come on trust me

Just then she throw herself in my arms

Tini: Hoh Mechi it's Xabi isn't it ??

Mechi kept crying she just nodded

Tini: hey how about we can go to that new bar next to the recording studio just me, you, Lodo and Cande if you want

Mechi: yes I would really appreciate that thanks you are the best

Tini: thank you... anyway You can tell Lodo and Cande while I finish filming

Mechi: ok bye

Meanwhile with the guys:

Jorge entered his room to get ready and he found Xabi with red puffy eyes

Jorge: hey Xabi what's wrong man never see you like this before!!

Xabi: well me and Mechi just broke up and I really miss her she was everything to me

Jorge: well I have an idea to cheer you up how about after shooting we go to the new bar next to the recording studio I'm sure you'll have fun there no girls no drama just us the guys we can get you, me, Facu and Rugg how about that ??

Xabi: Cool I will get ready till you finish shooting with TINIII..

Jorge: just shut up there's nothing between us

Xabi: ya ya I know anyway go know

Jorge: ok see you

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