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~next day~

Tini's pov

Today is the day that I come back to my home even though it have a lot of memories about me and Jorge but I still love this house on the other side I got really exited about me and peter's date I can't believe that I still didn't decide what to wear Mechi, Lodo and Cande are coming over to do a "make over" to me tomorrow before the date I still didn't see Jorge since the last awkward kiss thing the door bell rang and I went to open it receiving someone pulling me from my waist and kissing me passionately I pulled away without thinking twice


Jorge: Tini.... I just realised that I can't live without you in my life and I made a huge decision

Tini: what decision Jorge what are you talking about

Jorge: I decided to leave Violetta if we keep this awkward thing going in like this

Tini: JORGE HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND OR WHAT???*i looked into his eyes which was red and puffy* wait Jorge are you drunk??

Jorge: totally fine

Tini: oh Jorge come in let me get you cleaned up

Jorge: Tini of I stepped a foot into this house it's gonna end up with you being pregnant

Tini: Jorge you have totally lost it listen I'M NOT YOUR GIRLFRIEND

Jorge: you wish you were

Tini: Jorge please stop stepping in my nerves

Jorge: I'll leave in one condition

Tini: what condition??

Jorge: I'll leave if you kiss me

Tini: Jorge I'm not kiss-

He interrupted me when he pulled me from my waist and kissed me then I heard the door bell

Jorge: just let it go


Jorge: from where do you expect me to get out from the window??

Tini: then HIDE!!

Jorge hid under the bed and I adjusted myself in the mirror and opened the door and peter was there

Peter:hey*he said leaning in the door*

Tini: hey...umm may I ask what are you doing here in such a late time

Peter: oh I just missed your beautiful face

There was an awkward silence in the middle

Peter: what aren't you inviting me in or what

Tini: no well Peter I can't see my parents are here and I don't think that you coming in in such a late time could be possible

Peter: oh ok well see you tomorrow beautiful

Tini: ya bye*shut the door and turned to Jorge* Get the heck out of here Jorge

Jorge: ok ok I'm going IF I get my kiss

Tini: Jorge please I don't want any problems I love peter and I wish you can understand that

Jorge: come on Tini it's just a kiss you won't loose a thing*he said leaning closer to me*

Me and Jorge have been face to face and I as always CANT HELP but stare into his beautiful shining eyes ,Jorge grabbed me from my waist and kissed me arrogantly more than passionately but u still liked it though and I knew that I'm not over Jorge but I have to go to that date tomorrow Jorge letted go and smiled at me then left I sat on the couch confused

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