Whatching movies

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Jorge's pov

I was freaking out when Tini was nowhere to be found I turned the place upside down I didn't find her after what seemed like hours she called me and told me that she was in her home and now I'm on my way to her home

I knocked at the door and she opened it and hugged me tightly I obviously hugged her back we got into her house, cuddled up on the couch

Tini: I'm sorry I left without telling you

Jorge: dont worry it's all fine now

She looked up at me

Tini: thanks for understanding

Jorge: that's what I'm born for

Tini:*half laughing* would you like to watch a movie

Jorge: please not chick flick again

Tini: please do it for me *showing me her popular puppy eye face which no one can ever say "no" to it*

Jorge: fine just once

Tini: thanks your the best

Jorge: but

Tini: but?

Jorge:but I want a reward for that

Tini: what reward*i can see that she's fake confused*

Jorge: I want a kiss please*putting my finger on my lip pouting for a kiss*

Tini: just one okay

Jorge:*pouted again on my lips*

Tini smirked and kissed my lips lightly

Jorge: well I wanted something longer

Tini: next time

She opened the TV and got up for the cuddle form which we were cuddled in and bent down next to her new Samsung DVD and opened the drawer and brought her chick flick DVD and put it in her Samsung thingy

Tini: so ready

Jorge: I have no say in this

Tini: I'll take it as a yes

She came up to me and sat next to me I put my arms around her and she had her head on my on my chest

At the end of the film I looked at her and she was asleep she looks so cute though I turned the TV off and carried her to her room I took off her high heeled boots and stood next to her

Jorge: good night Tini

Tini: night...Jorge*she mumbled

I went out of the house and went to my home took a shower and finally went to bed after a long day

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