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Jorge's pov

Jorge: please u want Martina Stoessel she just got hit by a car

Receptionist: ya she's in room 144

Jorge: appreciate it

I went running to the room and opened the door number 144 and saw the man which was with me when we fought about who's gonna go with Tini

He was holding her hands as if he was her boyfriend, it was kinda disappointed. To see HIM there like I wanted to have sometime with Tini

Jorge: can you leave for a second

?: ya sure......may I ask who are you??

Jorge:I'm Jorge Blanco Tini's boyfriend, you are?!?*giving him my hand to shake*

?:*shook my hand* Peter, nice meeting you

Jorge:*clenching my other fist*oh trust me pleasure is all mine

Then that peter guy left I took his place next to Tini's bed she so freaking cute, u wish I could kiss her and remove all the pain from her heart I started to lean in automatically when a stupid nurse came in

Nurse: sorry sir but visiting time is over you can come tomorrow

Jorge:*murmured to Tini* I love you

And I left the room and tried to not make any fights with anyone plus I feel something strange about this peter guy?!? Am I feeling jealous great mother

I asked myself many question and a lot more were running in my head all that I can think about is that peter guy if he's good or bad who knows what's around the corner

~the next day~

Tini's pov

I woke up in a strange white bed with everything white around me and a strange man holding my hand I was shocked

Tini: who are you?!?

?: calm down your in the hospital you got hit by a car last night


?:ok ok well I'm Peter and I guess your Martina

Tini:Where's Jorge!?

Peter: oh your boyfriend he came last night and then left if I were you I'd dump him and look for someone better

Tini: no no no he's not my boyfriend particularly my ex-boyfriend

Peter: so you are single

Tini: guess I am*i looked kinda sad I'm the one who broke up with him...NO he have to learn his lesson*

Peter: meet you later kiddo

Tini: ya meet you later

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